Delaware Liberal

Did you forget that Doctors are in a Union too?

I love reading in the comments over the past weekend how it was the awful unions that screwed their people of of 5000 jobs in Ohio. Over my tenure here at DL, unions have been blamed for so many things, but I figured it was time to remind you all that AMA is a pretty f’ing powerful Union that I hardly ever see anyone stopping to lambast.

Lest you people forget, they get to dictate how many doctors and for what speciality there can be each year. So their little supply and demand balance always just happens to work in their favor. Shocking right.

So, I read this article this morning and the 3rd Paragraph jumps out at me.

In an aging population, a shortage of doctors has created new demand for care providers like physician assistants and nurse practitioners — nurses with advanced training who can also examine and treat patients, make diagnoses and write prescriptions.

The article makes it seem like it is the aging population that created this shortage? Uh, like the Doctors didn’t know that our population was going to get older? Yes, those nuckleheads that have been given god-like complexes didn’t know that a few dozen MILLION citizens were getting older and going to need medical care. Please…spare me.

Overall the article is good and if I can push one of my daugthers to at least be a PA I’d be tickled to death. But to say that a shortage of doctors is due to some surprise that more people are getting older is a joke.

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