Delaware Liberal

How Mortified Must The DEGOP Be That They Have Christine O’Donnell As A Member?

She is so freaking stupid that is is breathtaking.

Get a load of this utter nonsense:

His (Obama’s) Global Poverty Act, currently under consideration in Congress, is just one such policy. Despite its seemingly innocuous title, the Global Poverty Act would force America to adopt the U.N.’s “Millennium Development Goals” as official U.S. policy. This means outsourcing to the United Nations all important decisions concerning the use of U.S. foreign aid dollars. Not only that, but the fee for allowing the U.N. to play the “middle man” in our global war on poverty would be a tax of .7 percent of the U.S. Gross National Product. That’s right. Barack Obama and his liberal allies such as Senator Biden have signed on to a bill that would allow the U.N. to tax America (and Americans) an estimated $845 billion over the next 13 years. Obama’s plan represents perhaps the greatest affront to our national sovereignty since the War of 1812.

I’m going to overlook the fact that maybe the rise of soviet communism was regarded by some as a threat to our sovereignty that arose since 1812 and get right to the abject stupidity.

The shrill dumbass is flat wrong about how the bill works. Nothing in the bill says it must go through the UN.

O’Donnell, trying to up her name rec among hysterical nit wits totally misses the point of the bill and ignores that fact that Republicans and Democrats happen to agree on U.N.’s “Millennium Development Goals” which were adopted at a UN meeting in 2000. They were reaffirmed in 2005, when one John Bolton (no friend to Dems) was our UN Rep.

And it is not just the liberal bastion of the Bush Congress, Americans overwhelmingly agree “that wealthy countries should commit to spend seven-tenths of one percent of their GDP to address world poverty.” But what are facts to O’Donnell?

She lives in a fantasy world haunted by “chimeric hemoglobins” and the specter of evil jackbooted UN thugs ready to bust in and rape our virgin treasury.

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