Delaware Liberal

It’s all Edwards’ fault!

Howard Wolfson, a man responsible for one of the most poorly run campaigns in modern history and newly hired Fox News Contributor, now blames Hillary’s loss on John Edwards.

Sen. Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic presidential nominee if John Edwards had been caught in his lie about an extramarital affair and forced out of the race last year, insists a top Clinton campaign aide, making a charge that could exacerbate previously existing tensions between the camps of Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama.
“I believe we would have won Iowa, and Clinton today would therefore have been the nominee,” former Clinton Communications Director Howard Wolfson told ABC

Really? That’s assuming quite a bit, Mr. Wolfson. What if we assume Edwards received the “anyone but Hillary” vote? What if the Clinton Campaign took responsibility for their loss rather than blaming everyone else.

Because the truth is… no one knows what would have happened if Edwards wasn’t in the race.

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