Upcoming WDEL Debates

Filed in National by on August 11, 2008

Tomorrow night begins a series of debates between primary opponents vying for the nomination for their respective office, all broadcast on WDEL 1150 am.   Here is the schedule:

Tuesday, Aug. 12, 6 pm 

Congress–Karen Hartley-Nagle, Jerry Northington, Michael Miller
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 6 pm

Insurance Commissioner–Gene Reed, Karen Weldin Stewart and Tom Savage

Friday,  August 22, 8 am

New Castle County Executive–Chris Coons and Tom Gordon

This debate is open to the public at the Ruby R. Vale Moot Courtroom, Widener Univ. Law School, Wilmington , Rt. 202 (Concord Pike), Wilmington, DE

Wednesday, August 27, 8 am

Governor–Jack Markell and John Carney

Republicans do not get to hear a debate between Bill Lee and Mike Protack, because once again Bill Lee is scared to debate.  This is despite the fact that he said debates with Protack seemed like a good idea. 



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  1. jason330 says:

    The WDEL story on this kills Chicken Lee. It even has audio of him promising to debate.

    Are we at the point where regular civilians are getting the picture that Lee is a ghost?

  2. nemski says:

    What channel is this on on Comcast?

  3. WDEL 1150 AM — on the radio, nemski

  4. Any questions any of you would like me to ask?

    Allan Loudell
    WDEL Radio

    (302) 478-2700 — Ext. & Voice-Mail #: 161

  5. nemski says:

    Oh radio. I only get Sirius. What is this AM you talk about? 🙂

  6. nemski says:

    Okay, seriously. Allan thanks for asking for questions. That is great.

    My question to the Congressional candidates is this:

    Given Mike Castle’s seniority within the US Congress and his apparent ability to get things done, what would Delaware gain by voting him out of office and electing one of you?

  7. delawaredem says:

    Al, I will put up a call for questions this evening for tomorrow’s debate and Wednesday’s debate, and send you the responses.

    Thanks for asking for questions!

  8. selander says:

    Is the Delaware Democratic Party allowed to buy ads for Carney during the debate?

  9. rsmitty says:

    Is it true that the Dem Party (of deldems.org) and John Carney single-handedly stopped all crime in Delaware while Jack Markell hopelessly looked on?

    Is it true that the Dem Party (of deldems.org) and John Carney single-handedly cured the world of cancer while Jack Markell hopelessly looked on? Sorry, I forgot that BHL and Blevins had a role in this miracle, too.

    I’ll have more after the newest of Carney commercials (by the Democratic Party of DE, not by any official candidate committee) is broadcast. I’m sure the parting of the Delaware River waters will have something to do with it (harmonious angelic chants are heard now).


  11. nemski says:


    Let it go; just let it go.

  12. Al Mascitti says:

    Don’t forget that Paul Clark has pulled a Swain and backed out of a debate with Bill Dunn.

  13. Another Mike says:

    Allan, I would like to hear Carney and Markell expound their views on open government for the general assembly. Carney says he is still formulating his position, which to me says he is waiting for the party leaders to tell him what his position is.

    My questions: Would you sign an open-government bill like SB4 from the previous legislative session?

    Where do you stand on the eminent domain issue as it relates to the taking of private property for non-public use?

    For Lt. Gov. Carney: I’ve seen nothing that separates you from Gov. Minner. Your ideas seem to come straight from the state Democratic Party. Why should I vote for you?

  14. arthur says:


    I have been a proponent for a long time of Delaware instituting a tax deduction for Delaware residents who start 529 college savings plans. Will Delaware see a program similar to Maryland’s with $2500 tax deductions?

  15. Mike Protack says:

    It is too bad Lee won’t debate the issues despite his original agreement. However, after the the DSEA brush off and WGMD dust off we knew it would never happen.

    As for the other candidates, Thanks for having the courage of your convictions and the willingness to stand up against your opponents.

  16. Graniaclewbay says:

    How’s that lawsuit going, Protack?

  17. arthur says:

    I am reminded of George Bernard Shaw “Don’t wrestle a pig; you both get dirty and the pig enjoys it”

  18. nemski says:

    For any candidate:

    Is it okay to stare at a woman’s breasts if they are falsies?

  19. R Smitty says:

    It’s too bad Mike Protack continues to use blogs after repeatedly bashing blogs and the blogging bloggers that blog on them.

    “Electronic Graffiti!”

  20. The Delaware DEM partisan blog won’t call out Paul Clark for being too scared to debate Bill Dunn.
    You guys call out Bill Lee but you won’t touch the sadly conflicted POS at county hall?

  21. arthur says:

    Why should Bill Lee debate him? Lee has made minimal remarks (albeit not good ones0 but minimal remarks regarding all his positions. All he has to do is sit back, let markell and carney dish everything they have to get the nomination and then prepare he arguments against each one. Markell and Carney are like 2 heavyweights who have to fight to just get to the title bout a week before the title bout. Protractor is a waste of time and space. Sorry Mikey, you will have to keep flying planes till you can retire instead of getting a nice cushy job and an easy pension.

  22. delawaredem says:

    Actually Nancy, I was going to write that up tomorrow, since I felt I stole too much from WDEL for one day.

    Ye of little faith and too much anger.

  23. Heh, I do thank you for the opportunity to vote for Clark for biggest chicken. 🙂