Tomorrow night begins a series of debates between primary opponents vying for the nomination for their respective office, all broadcast on WDEL 1150 am. Here is the schedule:
Tuesday, Aug. 12, 6 pm
Insurance Commissioner–Gene Reed, Karen Weldin Stewart and Tom Savage
Friday, August 22, 8 am
New Castle County Executive–Chris Coons and Tom Gordon
This debate is open to the public at the Ruby R. Vale Moot Courtroom, Widener Univ. Law School, Wilmington , Rt. 202 (Concord Pike), Wilmington, DE
Wednesday, August 27, 8 am
Governor–Jack Markell and John Carney
Republicans do not get to hear a debate between Bill Lee and Mike Protack, because once again Bill Lee is scared to debate. This is despite the fact that he said debates with Protack seemed like a good idea.