Dem Primary for Congress Prediction Thread

Filed in National by on August 12, 2008

Karen Hartley-Nagle has the inside track. She has lined up the Democratic Party (more or less) and been recognized by some unions. She has been keeping an awfully low profile though and may (or may not) have fundraising problems. KHN: 44%

Jerry Northington has been raising some money online due to his longstanding connection to Daily Kos and scored the Progressive Dems endorsment in a walk when KHN decided not to compete for it. Other than that and his willingness to lend his campaign a few bucks, he seems like a one dimensional anti-war candiate. JN: 30%

Mike Miller is the wild card. He won this thing a few elections ago, so if the city of Wilmington turns out, he might earn the distinction of losing to Mike Castle twice. MM: ??

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Questions for the Candidates for Insurance Commissioner | August 13, 2008
  2. jerry northington | September 1, 2008
  1. selander says:

    Thrice. MM was the candidate in 2000, also.

  2. jason330 says:

    Thanks. That was befor I started paying attention.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Is anyone listening to this debate?

    KHN will support drilling off shore is some limited fashion and Mike Miller is down with the clueless Drill Here Drill Now BS.

  4. Joe M says:

    Okay, I’m going to show my ignorance about the our-shore drilling thing…

    Do we even have likely prospects for drilling off the shore of Delaware?

  5. delawaredem says:

    I think this one will be closer. And Karen and Mike are doing themselves no favors by caving to the Drill Here Drill Now off Our Shore.

  6. Frieda Berryhill says:

    “Do we even have likely prospects for drilling off the shore of Delaware?”

    None whatsoever problem is our lone Congressperson votes on national issues. Do we care if they drill off Florida?
    Do we really know WHO the oil companies sell the domestic to ? The are stockholder owned companies, they still will sell for the best price.
    Just asking.

  7. Rebecca says:

    Apparently Copeland thinks we do.

    Where’s Tommy Wonk when we need him?

    Meanwhile, KHN has burned a lot of bridges within the Democratic party by setting up shop with Tom Gordon down on the Riverfront.

    I’ve been watching Jerry Northington evolve into a rounded candidate. If you are listening to the debate you will hear that he’s not just the anti-war candidate. The party could get behind him and we’ll see if that makes any difference.

    Miller has done some dumb stuff, but since when does that disqualify a candidate?

  8. Rebecca says:

    Holy smokes, Miller wants to set up a $15M kitty for every incumbent Congressman. Just like the roads fund that the incumbents in Delaware get.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Joe M — the MMS thinks that there is a small amount of oil and a larger amount of natural gas in the mid-Atlantic which may include Delaware. The VA federal delegation is trying to get a waiver or legislation to allow the state to drill off of the VA coast. The VA government thinks that royalties or revenues from drilling will hep to fund their Transportation budgets.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    I heard that — 15M in walking around money. Jeez.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Allan Loudell had to school Mike Miller in what Free Trade is.


  12. cassandra_m says:

    Oh no.

    Deflecting meteors as a new job industry.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    MM doesn’t quite know what cap and trade is.

  14. Joe M says:

    lol Just send DBBs ego out there. Since he lost the DHB contest, it will FINALLY fit in space.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    We just have to be sure to pin a message to his shirt (for any life forms he encounters) that says No Takebacks!

  16. cassandra_m says:

    So I guess I hijacked this thread for some half-baked live blogging — first off, kudos to Allan Loudell! He asked great questions (some I suggested!) and kept the participants on track. I, for one, am definitely glad to have heard so many questions on science issues and policies. And Allan did have a number of questions suggested by folks here and he gave Delaware Liberal credit.

    The candidates — man, was this a surprise. I had never heard Mike Miller before and neither he nor KNH sounded quite ready for prime time. Miller had little knowledge of history or current policy and was largely set on his isolationist plan. KHN was strongest in the closing and in interacting with her opponents directly. While I thought she was light on policy, I think that specific seasoning — more policy briefing AND speaking on specific subjects would likely improve this. Jerry Northington was a surprise — I found myself waiting for him to speak. He had alot of knowlege of policy, was able to articulate his stance towards current policy AND how he might propose his own and was extremely comfortable and clear in spinning out his ideas. He isn’t a single issue candidate any more, I think. And while I did not agree with him on some issues I found myself respecting his positions and thought he would be someone who you could engage with for policy nuance, for ideas, and someone who would take science and technical issues seriously. Well done, Jerry!

  17. anon says:

    Rebecca; interesting you would try to put KHN and Tom Gordon together….they share a huge 16,000 sq ft space. They have separate campaigns…talk about the so called progressives eating their own…Rebecca is proof positive of why so called progressives have such a small group. Other than the progressive democrats vote, (which KHN) didnt even apply for, and the RD that you Rebecca live in, Jerry has no other endorsements.

    Miller’s education plan: readin’, writin’ and rithmetic? Someone please send that neo con back to school.

    Was hoping Ludell would ask the question on Russia and Georgia, but of course Jerry would have had Karen go first, so he could parrot her response.

    I thought Karen did very well, well versed on the issues and obviously heavily endorsed.

  18. delawaredem says:

    So you think endorsements win elections do you?

    Hillary Clinton will tell you it doesn’t.

    And John Carney will tell you it helps not at all with the fundraising.

  19. Thanks for listening, gang!

    Now, let me put out the welcome mat for any questions you’d like me to ask the Democratic Party candidates for State Insurance Commissioner tonight.

    Many thanks in advance…

    Allan Loudell

  20. It was cool to have Allan keep mentioning whether the questions were coming from Delaware Liberal’s list. Good job.

    As for Rebecca’s Hijacking the HIGH DEM Jimmy *Coonsie* Paoli line about On The Waterfront-gate…’good luck with that’.

    There are four campaigns HQ’d in the building with Molly’s Ice Cream and Timothy’s: Tom Gordon, Jack Markell, Karen Hartley-Nagle and Joe Biden. Gordon and Hartley-Nagle scored the old Biden presidential HQ’s when he downsized. No one is hung up with it besides a few on Coonsies’ payroll.

    It isn’t a surprise that Rebecca is hearing the Paoli’ brother’s grumbling, though since the PDDers meet down at the DEM HQ, Coons’ central.

  21. P.I. says:

    Jerry Northington is clearly the best possible choice for a ‘thoughtful’ voter. He’s an educated, well rounded business person who is already respected in the community. KHN is a sorry excuse for a bag of hot air. It’s no surprise to me that some of the laobr unions would support her…but they’re not exactly looking at her for her brilliance. It’s a guy thing.

  22. nemski says:

    The Democratic Primary for Congress just doesn’t matter.

    The Democratic Primary for Congress just doesn’t matter.

    The Democratic Primary for Congress just doesn’t matter.

    The Democratic Primary for Congress just doesn’t matter.

    Whoever wins will get a Mike Castle spanking.

  23. Arthur Downs says:

    Should arcane criteria allow a credit report to provide justification for a rate gouging?

    This is not deadbeat status but something that triggers a ‘gotcha’.

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