Georgia to US: Airlift Our Troops From Iraq

Filed in National by on August 12, 2008

I guess being a toady enabler of George Bush is not what it is cracked up to be.

ABC news…

strong>Georgian troops have been serving as part of the “coalition of the willing”

The Georgian government has requested the U.S. government airlift roughly 2,000 Georgian soldiers out of Iraq and back to defend their homeland, an intelligence officer tells ABC News.
1,500 killed in fighting with Georgia republic.

The intelligence official asked not be identified because he is not authorized to speak about the diplomatic situation.

The immediacy of the situation for the Georgians is this: They are significantly overpowered by the Russian military and there is fear the Georgians can be defeated as soon as this weekend.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. mike w. says:

    This has little if anything to do with Bush. If Georgia had significant troops stationed anywhere in the world they’d be airlifiting them back to russia to defend their country.

    If tanks rolled into the US and we needed more manpower we’d be bringing foreign troops home in a hurry as well.

  2. jason330 says:

    The Bush connection is that if they were not a big part of the “coalition of the duped” they would not be in Iraq in the first place.

  3. anon says:

    Look at it from Georgia’s point of view… If Bush can’t protect them from Russia, why the fuck should they have their troops fighting Bush’s war in Iraq?

  4. mike w. says:

    We really have to take Georgia’s side in this. Not only for US / Georgian relations, but for our relations with the rest of the former Soviet East Bloc nations.

    I guarantee they’re watching this very closely and waiting for our reaction.

  5. nemski says:

    Everyone leave Dubya alone. He’s in China enjoying the Olympics.

  6. Joe M says:

    BTW, it looks like both McCain and Obama are going to continue with the idiotic U.S. loyalty to the greedy and aggressive Georgian government.

  7. liz allen says:

    Georgia is mainly armenian. Bush has everything to do with arming them to the teeth over the last 7 years. And more interesting is what the hell is Israel doing in Georgia “training the troops”!

    Georgia was given a wink and nod to invade the smaller territories who are russian not armenian and who wish to also be independent. Bush needed a “win” for McCain (the insane war candidate).

    Both Russia and Georgia are responsible for this mess. It is a shame that most Americans have been hatin on Russia for so long even though the Cold War has been over for some time, it was the Bush regime who did nothing for 5 years to encourage Russia to continue along democratic ideals.

    Georgia has been militarized by the US and Israel, part of the “coalition of the bribed” and Georgia’s president obviously believed the US would be there to back them up –another failed Bush foreign policy effort.

    McCain wants to throw Russia out of the G-8 because Russia has not gone along with the Bush regime invasion of Iraq, or the upcoming invasion of Iran. Its all about oil and the pipeline otherwise the Bush regime would have no interest in this small country!

    Democracy Now had a Colonel on last night who said that this incident is bigger than Iran, Iraq, Afganistan all put together. Russia has been provoked by Bush in attempting to force the Poles and former Yugoslavia to install the Star Wars spyware near the border of Russia. Russia is not going to stand by any longer as the aggression and invasion mentality of the Bush regime continues to threaten small nations who happen to have oil under the feet.