It is Time to Put IPOD out of its Misery.

Filed in National by on August 12, 2008

here are many reasons.

First, the Independent Party of Delaware’s executive committee holds a secret meeting at a Grotto Pizza in Millsboro to name Mike Protack its gubernatorial nominee without notifying the rest of the party’s members.

Second, activist and party member, Liz Allen, who also comments here and elsewhere in the Delaware blogosphere, files suit in the Delaware Chancery Court to force the IPOD to hold a nominating convention and to strip Protack’s name from the IPOD’s ballot line.

In response to this complaint, IPOD chairman vonBaumgart said Allen’s complaint was baseless, motivated by someone who had declared that she would leave the Independent Party to become Democrat.  He further said the Executive Committee of the IPOD was within its rights to name a nominee early and inexpensively.   His reason to do so?

“We want to get a candidate who has a chance of winning,” he said.

Yes, they silenced the voices of the party’s 600 members because they wanted to choose a candidate who would win, rather than risk the party membership choosing a candidate that would lose.    And the candidate they thought could win was…. Mike Protack.

Third, the same Executive Committee voted today to close the party’s state convention to the press.

Not that that matters much, because it is not likely the press and the party membership will be able to find the location of the convention.   Which is reason #4:

The convention is scheduled for Wednesday, 6 to 9 p.m., at 32248 Bayshore Blvd. in Long Neck in Sussex County, party officials said. Bayshore Boulevard does not appear on current Sussex County maps, and Google Maps redirects people looking for Bayshore Boulevard to Bayshore Drive.

LOL.   I mean, the regular rank and file of the Independent Party of Delaware should just start over if they truly want to have a third party.   The IPOD’s leadership would be laughable, if they weren’t so deliberately incompentent.

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  1. selander says:

    They should change their name to the Independent Huddle of Politics (IHOP) and have the meeting at 9 E Loockerman St # 208 in Dover.

    Vive le French Toast!

  2. dude,

    i have to hand it to you, you make local politics interesting

  3. selander says:

    Breakfast is healthier than Grottos.

  4. delawaredem says:

    Not if you get the French Toast smothered in syrup, whip cream, butter, chocolate and blueberry.

  5. R Smitty says:

    Dude, isn’t that their WAFFLE? Not that I know anything about it…um….yeah.

  6. delawaredem says:

    It could be their waffle, their pancakes, or whatever. All I know is that it is not healthy.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Waffle? They would have to nominate Bill Lee instead…

  8. anon says:

    Another secret meeting! These buffoons better have a video tape or a tape recording of some kind for da Judge!

  9. R Smitty says:

    OK, so Mahaffie came and dropped a comment on our post on this with a google link. Turns out this is in fact in the Long Neck “AREA,” just off of the intersection where Rts 24, 23 and 5 all meet. What’s the issue with that? Well the advertised address is Long Neck, DE, but per the post office…you know, that function of government that has the total lock down on REAL addresses, has it as Millsboro, DE and the Millsboro zip code.

    You see, Long Neck, by post office standards, is really this tiny piece of almost non-existence. It’s an area that has many PO Box addresses and some actual deliverable addresses. This meeting location , however, ain’t one of them.

    Why does this matter? Well, to a Mahaffie who is familiar with the area, it’s not much of a deal, but to those not familiar, you will never find this “Long Neck” address, as was the case with others (me included). They won’t find it because it’s a Millsboro address.

    Deceptive jerks.

  10. meatball says:

    Long neck really deserves it’s own zip code. Long neck is the area where the majority of Sussex County’s trailer parks are located. Potnetsville. Tunnelville. It is also where you can build a million dollar home on leased ground if you’re dumb enough. Good old John Atkins will soon be the rep for this area.

    Recent cultural improvements include a Super G, a Harris Teeter, a Vietnamese nail salon, Chinese takeout joint, a wash and fold, a old folks home, and a real estate office. Paradise really. All this stuff brought to you from the Positive Growth Alliance.

  11. Joe M says:

    Deceptive, maybe. I would argue that it’s definitely far more clever then their previous behavior would indicate.

  12. R Smitty says:

    More clever? Possibly. You can certainly say (with all sarcasm implied) that this has been their “cleverest” campaign season-to-date.

  13. For the record, it’s nothing to do with local knowledge. I just ignored the “town” bit and searched for the street address within all of Sussex county.

    And, far be it from me to defend a political party, but I don’t think it was an attempt to hide the meeting. It’s just the way addresses sometimes get expressed.

  14. R Smitty says:

    Then they were awfully ignorant with the heap of scrutiny they have earned this year. That just goes along with the “nothing’s changed” theme so far.

  15. I believe we do need a viable third party in this state. The Dems and GOP just ain’t cuttin’ it. However, with all this drama, it’s clear to see the IPOD isn’t the way to go, either.

  16. FSP says:

    I was wondering where Matthews has been during today’s conversations, and then I remembered that Gene Reed has a finance report out…

  17. anon says:

    IPOD was founded by Dr. Floyd McDowell and was meant to be a party that worked for all the people. It was founded on “open government” that was in 2000!

    This party has been hijacked, hoodwinked by a small group who have turned it into the laughing stock of Delaware.

    It’s not easy standing out in motor vehicle lots, super markets, up and down the state to obtain voters fed up with the two party system. Floyd McDowell did that. It is a shame that this party founded on the best of good government issues regardless of party, now fights for its principles against unprincipled leaders.

  18. Mike Protack says:

    Let me offer a few facts. All along we have tried to get the IPOD moving to have a larger presence, more formality and more structure. We were having some movement but the lawsuit has changed their viewpoints.

    I do not support this decision but again I do not have a role in the party leadership nor I am permitted to have a formal role.

    My role in the IPOD has been to recruit people to help our campaign, speak out on our common issues not change or alter the structure of the IPOD party or change its leadership. Trust me, if I had the By laws or leaders changed folks would be rightly screaming interference.

    I do not have any role in the Executive Committee actions. Still, the by laws were followed during the nomination process. The 600+ members were not silenced as then and now there is not a defined structure to the IPOD as there is in the Democratic or Republican Parties.

    I have mailed out to 600+ members inviting their input and participation. Some have joined us. There has been no effort to hide anything.

    As for Open Government I am the only candidate supporting an anti nepotism policy, Inspector General and completely open government.

  19. Pol Pot Pilot says:

    If this happened to me (my candidacy was disenfranchising voters in the party I’m supposed to represent, had the appearance of secrecy and was anti open government) I would drop out of the race instantly.

  20. FSP says:

    “There has been no effort to hide anything.”

    Mike: If you support truly open government, you’ll disclose the names of your 370+ donors who have fueled your campaign with stealth donations of under $100. Personally, I know you’re lying through your miserable teeth, so I know you won’t. I just wanted anyone who might take you seriously to know what a fraud you are.

  21. Mike Protack says:

    Dave, you are the fraud. Maybe, you could get the FBI to investigate or are subpoenas on the way already?

    Again Dave, I have provided those names to the Elections Department. So, what is your next groundless and stupid request?

    Maybe you can produce Lee at a debate? Or do you prefer to play dirty politics and show your inability to get along with others?

  22. Mike,

    I thought you had a lawsuit coming against Burris? When will we see the fruits of that labor?

  23. verusum says:

    “I have mailed out to 600+ members inviting their input and participation. Some have joined us. There has been no effort to hide anything.”

    Was the mailing on postcards? If so, were they pink?

  24. FSP says:

    You’re lying again, Mike.

    Is it a habit or a function of your deranged personality?

  25. rsmitty says:

    I’m actually thinking he has selective memory loss. Over on DWA, he denies having even spoken to me at the 2007 convention.


    Maybe it wasn’t him, maybe it was his router that sat at my table.

  26. anon says:

    Versum: if only the leadership had mailed out 642 post cards and held a real convention open to the public and the press! They turned a open government group into a secret cabal and are attempting now to undo what they have already done. Can’t wait for the posts tomorrow at what really happened.