Delaware Liberal

What’s that up my butt you ask? It’s just an oil barrel and a gas nozel

NOPE, no one is gouging customers…nope, nuh-uh, not at all…

Oil has been trending lower since the end of July and is down about $34, or 23%, from its all-time high.       ( July third or so was the record…Oil surges to new highs above $145 a barrel; US pump prices at record near $4.10 a gallon

Gas prices remain more than a dollar higher than where they were 12 months ago. However, the average price of retail gas in the United States has fallen more than 8% to $3.787 gallon at the pump over the past 27 days, according to motorist group AAA.

Hmmm, my dog and I just put our brains together and using dog treats as a way to count we figured out Since oil has fallen 23% – gas has fallen 8% = a 15% F job.  Roscoe doesn’t like being f’d either he wasn’t happy to see his treats go back in the box.   

I thought I heard somewhere that oil takes 6 weeks to hit the market as gas.  Stick with me now.  We came off our “high” at the beginning of July.  July by my last count has 31 days.  Or about 4.4 weeks in it.  And August has 31 days right?  So (picture pulling of socks, tongue partially out of my mouth, looking up in the air with my one hand scratching my head and the other holding my middle toe, looking perplexed)

SooooooRight about TODAY from our all time high in July our gas prices should still be going up right?

But, But, But if they are going down now? Then, well, then, that means, we are being lied too…NOOOOOOOOO.  

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