Breaking: “High Minded Policy Blogger” on Carney Campaign Payroll
I don’t want to link to this guy’s shit ass blog, but check out page 102 of this Carney financial disclosure form.
That’s $2,190 paid (twice) to Mr. Mark J. Fraud who claims to be a blogger, but is really an astro-tuff operation funded by John Carney.
I wish I could make four grand blogging. Oh, but then I’d have to pretend that I was an independent policy wonk.
Bottom Line: I don’t mind that Carney has a campaign blog set up – but that he tried to pass it off as an objective policy blog pisses me right off.
sounds like something for DTB to look into!
Don’t you know that you confirm the fact that you are afraid of me every time you carry on with this nonsense?
I’m not paid to blog – and I think you know that – those figures are reimbursements for expenses made on behalf of the campaign. That amount came out of my pocket before I was reimbursed. Your also reading the figures incorrectly, the total amount is $2,190. You’re either a fool, or a liar (or a bit of both).
The fact is you can’t stand that your insular little world in the blogosphere has been disrupted and your nauseating false idol worship of Jack Markell has been intruded upon. You had a similar reaction to Celia Cohen when she was writing.
You just do not do well when people disagree with you.
By the way, my name appears on the report of other Democratic candidates — I’ve done a lot of work for Matt Denn, and I am proud to have my name appear on both his report and John Carney’s.
That might actually help other people differentiate you and me. The difference between us — certainly not the only one; I’ve gotten a look at you (shudder!) — is that I actually do things for Democratic candidates. I don’t just pontificate, and carry on like a self important weenie like you.
You’re a lot like your idol, Jack Markell — you’re all talk.
Mark, Jason does too take cricism well. Just the other day, Jason said, “Mark eats shit sandwiches.” I replied, “Mark does not like bread.” Jason conceded the point graciously.
LOL. oohhh I’m so afraid of Mr. Fraud VonFraudypants and his blog’s two readers.
Having exposed his ass five ways to Sunday, I consider this matter closed.
Way to go Mark – Jason needs someone to hate now that Cohen is gone. Thanks for pointing out what Jason doesn’t know.
Yeah. I got that one thing wrong but I’m so pleased to have totally and utterly busted this fraud that this will be my favorite post for years to come.
Headd is so utterly busted and exposed that when people see me walking down the street weeks from now and they see me smiling, I’ll be thinking about what a fraud Headd is. When someone asks me, “Whats so funy?” I’ll say, “Nothing really” but I’ll be thinking about that dumbass Mark J. Headd and how totally pwnd he must feel right now.
Fraud . . . Fraud . . . Fraud . . .
Come on Jason, you’re better than that.
Markell raises more money than Carney and everyone thinks it is a good thing. Then you point out that most of the money is coming from out of state, and they still say it is a good thing.
After the primary when Carney beats Markell, the posts will say that party hacks and cronies got Carney elected. I say, hmpf.
As I mentioned earlier Jason, I’m taking down names. When the revolution comes, Carney’s cronies will know who to line up on the wall. 🙂
Typical Carney fraud – much like his claims that he was instrumental in getting Bluewater passed. What sacks of shit, both delawwonk and Carney.
MJ – my address is listed in the report. You have it (as does Jason).
If either of you feel you have the wontons, please do drop by for a more personal expression of my feelings for you.
I love wontons! In the spirit of the olympics too
Mark is the biggest fucking dodo Delaware has yet to claim as part of its tightly-knit — and tightly-wound!! — blogosphere. The man is receiving CASH from John Carney. No matter how legitimate the services rendered are, it always clouds one’s judgment when making political endorsements. I have not accepted a thin dime from the Jack Markell campaign. Outside of a quarter of an Italian sub at his announcement party, I have accepted nothing of value from his campaign. That makes my support of him authentic because I haven’t accepted a damn thing. If only I could collect some “rent” on the huge sign we’ve got on our front lawn proclaiming our love for Jack Markell!!!
Now, I do think Jason is definitely stretching in his attempt to peg the funds to Mark as a payoff for some blogging. If that were true, it would make little sense; Mark’s blog, no doubt, gets only a fraction of the visitors DL and DWA get everyday. In short, it would be a poor investment on Carney’s part to pay a man $2100 for blogging if there was no guaranteed, built-in audience to enjoy the shilling.
No, Mark is right. The contracts his consulting firm have with the state no doubt bring him tons of money from the good-ole boy network known as the Delaware Democrats. If that good-ole-boy network were to be, in a way, severed, then Mr. Mark Headd could potentially lose thousands of dollars in lucrative state contracts.
Suck on it, Mark. And go back to collecting more money from the Democrats’ lackey, John Carney.
I understand his desire to punch me. It ain’t happening, but I understand it.
Go for a long run. Think about your blog ‘s mission statement. Then change it.
I’m not gonna lie and say, that the money he is getting is what I was hoping for when I came here.
Mark (call me)
oh and MM,
Outside of a quarter of an Italian sub at his announcement party
Was it a 5 foot sub that you had a quarter of?
LOL, good one. I would’ve had more, but they weren’t appropriately seasoned!
MM and Jason, how do you guys type with Markell’s crotch in your face?
Your Carnies kill me. I’ve always said that Carney would not be a disaster, but Markell would be better.
I called out Headd fair and square and he goes nutso on his “high minded blog” about me and now…et tu Nemski?
Who says I’m typing when his balls are in my face?!?!?
owww my balls
Who says I’m typing when his balls are in my face?!?!?
owww my balls
Oh myyyyyyyyy….
Mike, I think you are now taking this “making ice cream” thing just a little too far. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
i’m curious how one goes about taking money from politicians and remains loyal to his own values….
“I didn’t get paid for blogging”
oh look I painted a guys house….
hey, I have a blog…hate to bash the guy that gave me work…hmmmm, maybe I will say something nice about him…maybe I will bash his opponent…
maybe I won’t openly disclose I took money…
seems fine to me jason. I think you are way off base here.
you know, it’s very frustrating that you boys get all wrapped up in such stupid crap. And are so vulgar about it. I sincerely doubt that the Carney campaign would waste its valuable resources trying to convince you people (all 22 of you) of what the rest of the state already knows – that Carney is the smart person’s choice. I feel sorry for you. I can’t believe you’ve been so easily suckered.
Carney’s running for Governor? Isn’t Art Carney dead?
E. Post’s message was brought to you by the Delaware Democratic Committee and not endorsed by any candidate’s committee, including the chosen one, Art Carney
The ethical thing to do whenever you are paid money by a campaign for any purpose, be it web development or consulting or whatever, is to disclose it publically on your blog, so that readers can make their own decisions about any perceived bias.
Markos Moulitsas for years had a disclosure at the top of Daily Kos stating that in 2003 he and Jerome Armstrong were paid consultants to the Dean campaign in 2003.
If you do not disclose it, you leave yourself opens to calls of shilling and unethical behavior.
You made your bed, Mark. Sleep in it.
R. Smitty: E. Post is an independent and has no say in the primary. She just has good taste and good sense.
DelawareDem is much more diplomatic than I. What gets me about Mark is that he made a real show of being an objective dispassionate observer.
So much for that.
Smitty –
You are still the man.
dd, ethics and blogs . . . you guys have don viti writing for you . . . that dog don’t hunt 🙂
Donviti is nothing but ethical. When he lost the self created title of Delaware Hottest Blogger to Pandora, he created a new title to go by.
If he was unethical, he would have still called himself DHB.
“After the primary when Carney beats Markell, the posts will say that party hacks and cronies got Carney elected. I say, hmpf.”
So that’s what “yes” sounds like with Carney’s dick in your mouth?
picture whiping smile from my face…
that’s not funny
don’t turn your back on me tonight nemski
This is a great blog post Jason!
Heh indeed.
Since you don’t know me and have no idea what shape I’m in (champion cyclist and weightlifter), I’ll kick your ass in 2 minutes. And we’ll do it on the beach in sand, so I can kick it in your face when you’re down on your knees begging me to stop.
LOSER. Mom always said “never trust a Carney.”