Delaware Liberal

This is why I hate the party endorsement process.

Because it gives license to the News Journal to write crap this this:

Two Democrats vying to be Delaware’s next insurance commissioner went after one of their own Wednesday, attacking the party’s endorsed candidate for what they called conflicts of interest over donations to his campaign.

With the phrases “went after one of their own” and “attacked,” the News Journal is painting what Tom Savage and Karen Weldin Stewart did last night as disreputable and nefarious, when all they did was debate the issues with Gene Reed at a debate broadcast live on WDEL, all the while raising the very legitimate issue of Reed allegedly taking money from those he proposes to regulate.    Indeed, in identifying Reed as “the party’s endorsed candidate,” the News Journal takes the position that any questioning of him by his primary opponents is somehow wrong and underhanded. 

If Reed was not the endorsed candidate, but just a frontrunner, would that opening sentence be structured with such a bias towards Reed?   

The News Journal, the Democratic Party, and even Gene Reed need to realize something: Gene Reed is not the Democratic nominee.    Just like John Carney is not the Democratic nominee.   They both have to do something first: win our votes and then win the primary election.   If a candidate has the right ideas, the right background, and runs a good campaign, he or she will win.  He or she needs not to be proped up by the Delaware Democratic Party with their “endorsement” and the News Journal with their biased coverage. 


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