McCain’s VP Problem

Filed in National by on August 15, 2008

With all the speculation surrounding Obama’s VP pick I haven’t been paying attention to McCain’s dilemma. And, boy does he have a problem. Correction: Problems.

Romney? Out of the running when it comes to Evangelicals.

Ridge? Pro-lifers don’t want him and NARAL warns that Ridge won’t help soften McCain’s stance on women’s rights. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Seems the only thing these two groups have in common is their distrust of McCain.

Pawlenty? Last weeks glowing praise for the Obama campaign seems to have killed his chances.
Huckabee? Too populist for conservatives? Too Evangelical for liberals?
Jindal? Too young? Too exorcist-y?
Lieberman? Too Linda Tripp-ish?

Let’s face it. The Republicans don’t have a VP problem. They have a Presumptive Nominee problem. McCain’s resume is simply too full of holes for one VP to fill.

Any suggestions?

About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (18)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Lieberman? Too Linda Tripp-ish?


    My pick for McCain VP remains former Philadephia 76er, Charles Barkley.

  2. cassandra m says:

    Barkley is famously done with the current incarnation of wingnut repubs.

    Don King, however, was a very big Bush booster last go round. That would be an awesome team, I’m thinking….

  3. pandora says:

    See? It really is a joke. So who can McCain pick?

  4. cassandra m says:

    So what was wrong with Don King? I think he’s from Ohio or Michigan too — so he might be able to lock up some Electoral Votes.

  5. Crotchrocket says:

    Condi Rice.

    …for no other reason than to watch your bowels and brainmeat spontaneously explode in unison as the rage flares within you. Your limpdick anger entertains me.

  6. mike w. says:

    I think Condi would be a great choice. In fact I wish Condi would run for President. Smart, humble, articulate, level-headed, pro-gun. I’d vote for her.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Lindsay Effing Graham.

  8. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo says, Lindsay Effing Graham has the same problem as Charlie “I’m Engaged, So I Must Be Straight” Criss.

  9. jason330 says:


    I’m flattered, but stop being so obsessed with my dick.

  10. mike w. says:

    Crotch – It has nothing to do with anyone’s dick. Jason’s just angry.

  11. JadeGold says:

    I’m guessing Eric Cantor.

    While such a pick would please the hard right and religious whackos–it’ll do nothing to help McCain with independents.

  12. Arthur Downs says:

    Selection of the oafish Tom Ridge would ensure a lot of protest votes for Barr.

  13. Quick Grits says:

    Barr is a deeply closeted individual, and all true rightwingers are suspicious of him.

    C’mon, look at at pencil-thin ‘stache!

    I thought he was ‘mo back in 1997!!!

    Somewhere there’s a page with a story to tell….

  14. Truth Teller says:

    He should pick Larry Craig and tie up the widw stance vote

  15. meatball says:

    Does anyone agree with me that Condi is not all that articulate? Wouldn’t she be considered “uppity” by conservative groups? Then there is the whole “determined to strike America” DPB.

  16. Pandora says:

    I would love it if McCain picked Condi… which should answer your question. 🙂

  17. susie says:

    How about Mark Schweiker? he could bring Pennsylvania to the Republicans. He is a caring persin, like McCain. He is a Catholic. He has experience in administration and business, and experience in anti-terrorism. I hear he is a good speaker, but the only time I can remember hearing his voice was not a speach, but an announcement — “Nine for nine!”

  18. anon says:

    If it is Condi that means the election is already in the bag for them because they plan to steal it, and neocon control will continue.