Around the Horn – Saturday August 16th 2008

Filed in National by on August 16, 2008

Here is the left side. I hope to get to the Centers and Rights later today. We’ll see, it is a heck of a nice day.

Did you know that the Del Dems had a blog? I had almost forgotten about this source for good ol’ straight up McCain bashing. (…and no John Carney ads).

Dana’s Delawarewatch current post notes Bush’s restarting of the cold war…I mean the dependable revenue source for US aerospace corporations.

Mike is proud of his DWA policy of never banning anyone. (pssst….Mike, check back with me in a few weeks and 9,876 “2nd A under attack” comments and we’ll see how you feel.)

ElectionInspection checks the Obama VP tea leaf checkers and comes up with Kaine, Sebelius, and Bayh in that order w/ these darkhorses: Sen. Sherrod Brown (OH),Sen. Claire McCaskill (MO),Gov. Janet Napolitano (AZ),Gov. Ted Strickland (OH),Sen. Jim Webb (VA),Gov. Ed Rendell (PA).

Karmic Jay‘s word of the day is WHIMSY. Which reminds me to honor my new year’s resolution: Less snark and more whimsy. Thanks Jay.

In the mobius strip of blog linking I will now link to Kavips who is topping with a Outside the Perimeter post that features some great Kilroy photoshop fun.

Paul Baumbach gives his reason’s for his statewide picks but leaves one tomato on the vine.

Insurance Commissioner—This race is a pain. There are three very nice people running for the office. All have strengths, and all have weaknesses. I would like to take pieces of each to create a perfect candidate, but I can’t. I will therefore share the positive traits of each, and will remain on the fence..

Nancy at Delaware Way gives us this breaking news: 19th REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT, DELAWARE DEMOCRATIC PARTY REVOKES ENDORSEMENT OF PAUL CLARK Who does not love that headline? Other than Paul Clark…I mean.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. I like Paul Baumbach but isn’t sitting on that fence starting to really hurt? He can’t decide whether he likes Clark or Dunn for council president either.

    I busted on Dunn when his appeal to the Clark endorsement interferred with their WDEL debate. Word is that he is trying to reschedule but Clark can’t manage to fit any scheduling times into his busy itinerary.
    Hey Clark, you don’t have a day job….if you don’t debate Bill Dunn you deserve the ChickenShitof2008 award.

  2. and Kilroy just transferred that creepy feeling you get when something is on your unwashed hands, over to Charlie Copeland,

    YES, YES, YES~!

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t think Clark wants to acknowledge that he has an opponent. He was also blowing off a WHYY debate.

  4. delawaredem says:

    I’m with Paul, Nancy.

    Except I don’t like any of the Democrats, and I don’t know enough about Brady yet to make an informed decision on him. I will say this about him: it is unlikely I will vote for him. My default position is Republicans cannot be trust to protect consumers and enforce regulations, for they favor business and abhor regulations.

  5. heh, I first read that as ‘I am with Paul Clark’, your choice, of course.

    I think that a lot of people may vote for Brady in November no matter which DEM opponent wins the primary. I have heard it over and over. He will get my vote if Gene Reed gets the party nod. I will be voting for Karen Weldin Stewart in the primary.

    I don’t like to go against every GOP especially locally. The party whacks like Burris do their party NO FAVORS being such abject partisans.

    My GOPer dad stressed not to necessarily vote your party on local elections because of his run-ins with then GOPerhead Harry Roberts (Chris Roberts father) when they were both appointed GOP reps on levy court in 1950’s county politics.

  6. delawaredem says:

    True, in fact, I have voted for GOoPers before, once or twice, for that reason.

    But in the job of Insurance Commissioner, I don’t a Republican should ever be elected to that office for the reasons I state.

    Brady will have to convince me

  7. If it’s Reed Vs. Brady I’m all in for Brady. Reed has already tainted himself and his office, party aside. He can’t be trusted to run that office ethically if he can’t even turn down questionable donations.

    Maybe you should do some research on Brady instead of waiting for him to convince you. Better yet, contact Brady and he’ll tell you the story about why he’s a Republican.

  8. PBaumbach says:

    Paul Clark and Bill Dunn will both be attending the candidate forum next Saturday (the 23rd) from 10-11am.

    The flyer for the forum is at

    I would love for DL posters and readers to attend.

    I may be able to get off this uncomfortable fence, on the IC race, on the Cty Council Prez, and on the 6th SD race, based on the candidate’s showing on the 23rd.

    Trust me, I don’t like sitting on the fence, but I also don’t like pretending that I support a candidate that I have serious reservations about. (No, I am not suggesting that this describes anyone else–I’m just saying that at this point I have reservations about each candidate in those three races.)

    We (the UUFN social justice committee) are also planning forums on October 18th and 19th, including one with Brady and the winner of the Dem primary for IC. While I expect to support the Dem candidate, I am looking forward to hearing from Brady, and am willing to be ‘converted’.

  9. June says:

    Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face! Even though you’re down on Gene Reed for accepting contributions that are not illegal, but the perception is bad, he is dedicated to continuing the mission of Matt Denn — to put the people first. That’s what Democrats do – Republicans don’t.

  10. June,

    Have you met Brady? Or do you just feel the need to simply hate on all Republicans? Have you met Tyler Nixon, as well? You anything-but-Republican folks are hilarious.

  11. Joe M says:

    What you call hilarious, I call sad. Very, very sad.

    Jason, don’t forget to check out google reader!

  12. mike w. says:

    GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS…….. that’s for my buddy Jason, since he characterizes my comments here as “all guns all the time.” How’s your weekend going Jason?

  13. jason330 says:

    Mike W

    Great until two seconds ago.

    I kid.

    Joe –

    When I went back to school, I remember an old prof typing full excel formulas in to a spread sheet when all he had to do was use the pull down menu and pick one.

    Now I’m the old guy.

  14. Joe M says:


    Well, just go to, click on Add to the left and put in the URL of the blog that you want to add to the reader. Rinse and repeat for each blog.

    Check it out, you’ll thank me later!

  15. June says:


    No, I don’t hate all Republicans–in fact, I don’t hate any of them. I vote for some of them on occasion. And Tyler Nixon sounds like a really good person. I just disagree with their basic philosophy, and I really admire what Matt Denn did in the IC office, and I’d like to see that legacy continued.

  16. Kilroy says:

    “Charlie Copeland”

    The days of political birth rights are long past! Charlie Coepland hasn’t grasp the fact he is a servant as in public servant! He shows pitty for child molesters who has to wait inline for health care but yet shows no remorse in his failure to demand clean sanitary conditions in Red Clay school bathroom.

    To put it bluntly, Charlie Copeland is as useless as a woodpecker on a aluminum telephone pole!
    Copeland really pissed me off making me believe he was all for open government and school finanical transparency! No show charlie turned a blind-eye when Red Clay voilated contract bid laws and charter school approval laws.

    Copeland is delusional thinking just because he “introduce legislation” somehow earns him political feathers.

    Thank God Matt Denn is going to win and sideline Charlie! Maybe in 4 years after he show some remorse for his inactions just maybe we’ll elected him for the post of Register of the Wills.

    “The flyer for the forum is at

    indicates Lee and Protack are scheduled to debate at noon! This I got a see!

    As far as Dunn, I think he will do an outstanding job as County Council President!

  17. PBaumbach says:

    Neither John Carney nor Bill Lee have not yet accepted the invitation to participate in the forum on the 23rd. We (the organizers) continue to try to get them to agree to attend, and join the other 14 candidates who have agreed to attend and participate.
    We would strongly prefer to have all 16 candidates for these 7 primary races participate. We are very pleased with the 14, but would welcome all 16.

  18. kavips says:


    I don’t think those destined to lose would be too keen on showing up at your forum.

  19. PBaumbach says:

    Do you mean ‘destined to lose’ the event, or ‘destined to lose’ the primary election?

    I believe that all sixteen candidates enter their respective race due to their desire and expectation of winning the primary election.

    I would hope that the better and best candidates can do well in our 1-hour forum format–that it does not disadvantage any particular candidate, and that doing well in a 1-hour forum is reasonable for any candidate hoping to win the post they are running for.

    I further hope that all sixteen candidates view the forum as a wonderful opportunity for voters to see each candidate on a level playing field (both incumbent and challenger, well-financed and self-financed), a wonderful opportunity for each voter to help make their decisions for the 9/9/08 primary election.