Around The Horn Part 2 – The Center & Right

Filed in National by on August 17, 2008

What do the rest of you say?

Delaware’s best journalist, Allan Loudell, opines that people who think Obama has been tricked by the Clinton’s need a reality check.

Joan Deaver, is running for a seat on the SC county council and has posted her vision statement. It is good. Wingnuts take note – it is possible to run for something without promising to cut taxes.

At Common Sense Political Thought they put the “moronic” in oxymoronic. Check it: They quote Art Downs on their masthead. I shit you not.

Joe M of Merit Bound Alley had the worst hot dog of his life at the Middletown peach festival and met RSmitty who schooled him on how we Dems roll in M-town. (Hint: What good is having power if you don’t use it for petty gamesmanship? I think that is BHL’s point.)

SHIRLEY VANDEVER, Delaware’s best curmudgeon tops her blog with two videos. One is Steve Martin playing in some sort of skiffle band and the other isn’t. (Psst…Chris Mathews is a dork and a gotcha artist. That show was the night of Obama’s win in Wisconsin and the guy was told he’d be talking about Wisconsin Dem politics. Anyway, as a journalist Mathews should have know about Obama’s fight for universal children’s health care in Illinois. Obama’s success bringing Republicans and Democrats together on bills such as the one in Illinois requiring police interrogations and confessions to be videotaped. Obama’s leadership on ethics reform in Washington. Obama’s bill to make the federal budget far more transparent and accessible to Americans via the Internet, etc, etc..)

I already mentioned Kilroy’s photoshop artistry. His current top posts answers the question, “What’s the difference between Paul Cark and Bill Dunn?” One is Dunn and the other is Done.

Mahaffie is a nice guy, but shitty golfer.

Duffy, at Pencader Days has a graph of Prius Owners in LA. Trendy douchbags in LA? Gasp!

Okay. I’m just going down the blogroll and I had forgotten that Protack even had a blog. Aaaaanyway, I click on it and what do I find? a picture of Protack promising to support off shore drilling. He is literally bending over for big oil. You can’t make this up.

“Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was excellent.” That is from Paul Smith’s Gazizza (pronounced Gesundheit) There are 19 more side splitters to read IF YOU DARE!

Hube blows the lid of the today show’s use of an airconditioned outdoor set for their Olympic coverage. BTW – the fake libertarian seems to favor McCain over Obama, because…uh.. McCain’s war plans and privacy invading domestic policies really scream “libertarian”…?

Speaking of real libertarians, Steve Newton reports that a horrible Dem Candidate in North Carolina is pushing people toward th Libertarian.

Ryan at has still not enlisted to fight this war that he loves so much. I guess wars are best loved from afar. Today’s top spot is about comic books.

Check out FSP er… for an interesting campaign item from John Brady. Just don’t read the Frank Knotts post two spots down. You have been warned.

That’s it. Let me know if I forgot anybody. Next week I promise to mention

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (25)

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  1. Art Downs says:

    I suppose praise through feeble damnation is better than being ignored.

    Perhaps a visit to the cited site might be educational.

  2. jason330 says:

    Whatever gets you through the night Art.

  3. mike w. says:

    “BTW – the fake libertarian seems to favor McCain over Obama, because…uh.. McCain’s war plans and privacy invading domestic policies really scream “libertarian”…?”

    I don’t think anyone is claiming McCain is libertarian, only that his policies are not as repulsive as Obama’s.

  4. jason330 says:

    Thanks for sharing. I was talking about Hube who pretends to be a libertarian – but who likes McCain. Get it?

  5. JohnnyX says:

    Doh, Jason already said what I was about to say…so…bollocks!

  6. M.Opaliski says:

    First time I’ve had a deleted comment that I know of, that’s hot …

  7. jason330 says:

    I am here to please. Thanks for the help with the rough draft!

  8. mike w. says:

    I know who you were talking about Jason. You can be a libertarian, or support libertarian values, and still support McCain you know.

    I support him because right now, as bad as McCain is on a host of issues, Obama is worse and I want to keep Obama out of the White House.

  9. jason330 says:

    You can be a libertarian, or support libertarian values, and still support McCain you know.

    No you can’t. You can be a Republican and pretend to be a libertarian and still support McCain though.

  10. mike w. says:

    Jason – If you don’t feel 3rd party is a viable choice in a Presidential race and you believe that Obama to be a greater threat to your personal liberties than McCain then you can absolutely support McCain.

    I believe Obama + A Pelosi led Congress can do far more damage than McCain can, that’s why I’m voting for McCain. It’s not that I like him, it’s that he’s not as bad as Obama

  11. nemski says:

    If you don’t feel 3rd party is a viable choice in a Presidential race and you believe that Obama to be a greater threat to your personal liberties than McCain then you can absolutely support McCain.

    Mike W, your vote for McCain in Delaware will count less than a vote for a third-party candidate. McCain will not win Delaware, but if you wish to strengthen libertarian candidates than you should strongly think about voting for a third-party.

  12. jason330 says:

    New topic. Fine. However, you are wrong about real Libertarians being able to support McCain.

    Sorry. Any real Libertarian would have to view a McCain win as a disaster.

  13. jason330 says:

    What Nemski said. Consider it a test of whether you are a libertarian or a Republican.

    I’m betting Republican.

  14. nemski says:

    I’m betting Republican.

    I’m not betting against that. 🙂

  15. nemski says:

    : crickets :

  16. Steve Newton says:

    If you guys don’t stop being mean to mike, I’m going to show this thread to Eric Dondero at Libertarian Republican

    (please, go there at least a few seconds for kicks and grins)

    Eric will come in and haunt you and make you wish for the good old days of all 2nd Amendment, all the time….

    Now that’s a threat, whether you realize it or not…

    (And it also answers your question about what kind of libertarians support Uncle Grumpy)

  17. pandora says:

    Oh my! Is he for real? But I blame you, Steve. You’ve risen the bar when it comes to my views on Libertarians!

  18. nemski says:

    Thanks Steve . . . I feel so dirty now.

  19. mike w says:

    Steve – I went to that site for about 10 seconds…… I want my 10 seconds back.

  20. Joe M says:

    Well, I almost went there out of morbid curiosity, but I think I’ll save my tiny little brain the shock and horror.

  21. snark says:

    douchebag, are you blogging from Afghanistan now? thought not.

    I should identify, the comment was for Doucheag Jason… don’t want to confuse the rest of you

  22. cassandra_m says:

    Wow Steve, no lunch for you! Pandora and I will give you a report, though, on our ABBA-free lunch…

    On the other hand, Kilroy’s photoshops are a scream and will need a place of honor at the blogger’s conference, I think.

  23. jason330 says:


    I’m 42. If was a young buck like yourself I’d either be there or I’d be alot more circumspect about telling other people what a jolly good war we are having and how we have Johnny Towel Head on the run.

  24. R Smitty says:

    Jason, you’re 42? I’d swear from the Peach Festival, you couldn’t be a day under 53. Thank you!!! Thank you very much!

    Hey, thanks for sending Joe M over. That was cool to chat up the breeze a bit. BTW, let me tell you that BHL has pissed off some local D’s with that fiasco. I wouldn’t call it a tide-turner by any means, but just to hear that feedback on Saturday, during the Peach Festival, was enough to make me say, “Wow.”

    All apologies to Jim Weldin, but after meeting Andye Daley at the Peach Festival, I absolutely have to endorse her in her primary campaign against Mr. Weldin for the right to face BHL for the SD10 seat. What an amazing spark plug. Totally zoned in to the needs of the community and the boundless energy to serve. She’s very cool, too! 🙂