Ask Doctor Liberal: Party Heal Thyself

Filed in National by on August 18, 2008

Today I got a letter from one of my most handsome, smart readers looking for the silver bullet that will fix the Delaware Democratic party. He writes…

Dear Dr. Liberal,

I was wondering, what you think it take to get the state Democratic Party back on track?

> replacement of the state party chair
> replacement of the state Senate ProTem
> Jack Markell as Governor
> John Carney as Governor
> Barack Obama as President
> more grassroots participation at the RD committee level
> more successful candidates such as Kowalko, Peterson, Katz, Walker, etc
> party meetings called with one hour notice at the Newark Main Street Grotto’s
> something else

I am curious as to the bottleneck. What is the one factor, that if changed, would enable the state party to be more democratic? If we don’t know what needs to be changed first, how can we direct our efforts best?

– A. Handsome Reader

Well good looking, let me say that after surprise meetings, my bias is toward leadership. A fish rots from the head down right? And just look at the sad shape Mike Castle’s lack of leadership has left the GOP in.

So there is a lot that electing a Jack Markell could do, and nobody could deny that getting rid of our current chair would not be a boon for Democrats not named John Carney, but is there really a silver bullet?

I doubt it. But don’t take it from me. What do the know it all commenters think?

What is the one factor, that if changed, would enable the state party to be more democratic?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. delawaredem says:

    Election of Markell.

    For that will lead to the firing of Daniello, which in turn will lead to a revitilzation of the state party as a progressive vehicle, which will lead to more good candidates like Katz, Walker, Kowalko and Petersen, which in turn will lead to more involvement in the RDs.

  2. rsmitty says:

    Johnnie Walker?

    Amazing how you just slipped that name right on in there.

    That’s for both of you.

  3. Handsome says:

    Rebecca Walker, PDD-endorsed candidate for the 9th RD.

  4. rsmitty says:

    Yeah, I knew that. I was making a friendly poke at Jason and DD.

    Did PDD give David Mullen any consideration? Oh, wait, he was “asked” to withdraw. I forgot.
    (NOT a knock on Walker or PDD, just to be clear).

  5. Rebecca says:

    More of us to join our District Committees. That is the silver bullet. As long as we are out numbered by the good ole boys network we will have no say in party governance. Very few of the district committees have a full complement of members, there is room for us if we make the push. The party goes through reorganization every four years and it will happen again in 2009.

  6. jason330 says:

    Rebecca makes a good point. 40 really determined people could have a great impact.

  7. Disbelief says:

    I don’t remember sending you anything today.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Rebecca has the best answer, I think. Has the PDD ever given any training on how to get on a District Committee? An effort to recruit a bunch of new blood, with appropriate training in the rules and process would be useful.

  9. PBaumbach says:

    I like the ‘fill the RD committee’ strategy. It is measurable and achievable. It can’t be thwarted by radio ads by the ‘good ole boys’.

    I understand that, even as governor, Markell would not be empowered to fire Daniello. However, (I believe that) the RD committees select the delegates to the state convention where the state party chair is elected.

    I’ve been on the 23rd RD committee for a few years, and enjoy the experience (I am fortunate that the fellow committee members are very good folks, some more liberal than I).

    We also should be conscious of the lower Delaware RDs. I think that Rebecca is working with some downstate liberals. who are trying to organize It would be best to coordinate these efforts up and down the state, to have the most impact at the state convention.

  10. kavips says:

    Rebecca has a point. Look at the number of Democratic incumbents with no primary contestant running against them. How in hell’s name will government ever get better if that one factor stays the same?

  11. nemski says:

    On September 10th, y’all can join me in supporting Carney for Governor against Lee. But, y’all will probably crying and yelling about party hacks and Carney cronies.

  12. Joe M says:

    Not me. I’ll take anyone over a guy that can’t be bothered to campaign or debate.

    Not only that, Carney i s a good candidate, I just think Markell is a better one.

  13. nemski says:

    Huh, debate? Didn’t they have debates between Markell and Carney? I remember something to that effect (affect?, DV could you check on this for me) because they place Protack in the corner to debate with himself.

  14. Joe M says:

    I was referring to the alternative being Lee.

    I wasn’t very clear there. Sorry, folks!

  15. X Stryker says:

    As I remain undecided, I can say for certain that I will be 100% behind either Markell or Carney in November, and I’ll have plenty to celebrate on that night, I’m sure.

  16. nemski says:

    Whew, Joe, that was a close one. Since you were referring to absent-Lee, I’sa understand.

  17. MJ says:

    If (G-D forbid) Johnny-come-lately wins the primary, this Dem will be casting a blank ballot for governor in November. Too bad we can’t vote for “none of the above” like they do in Nevada.