Breaking: VP to be announced tomorrow morning?

Filed in National by on August 18, 2008

From (god!) Drudge:

The NYT newsroom was buzzing late Monday afternoon after Obama-beat reporter Jeff Zeleny learned how the Dem hopeful has now finalized his choice for a running-mate.

Obama has set an elaborate roll-out to announce his decision that will begin with an early morning e-mail to supporters, perhaps as early as Tuesday, Zeleny and Adam Nagourney have been told.

I think it will be a media rollout first.    Then there will be a joint appearance at a rally.    I think we have been assuming the announcement and the joint appearance would come on the same day.  Obviously that scenario might be wrong if an announcement comes tomorrow.   So if you signed up for the email or text announcement, you may be receiving something in the early hours tomorrow morning.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I am the kid who can’t wait for Christmas to get here.

  2. jason330 says:

    I realize now that I’m of two minds on this. As a Dem, I’m okay with it. As I Delawarean – I LOVE IT.

  3. delawaredem says:

    UPDATE: The New York Times says the announcement won’t come until Wednesday morning. That is more in line with what I have heard. Damn that Drudge, getting my hopes up.

  4. delawaredem says:

    I decided over the weekend that I wanted only 2 candidates: Biden or Clinton.

    Either way I am happy. And I will be fine with other nominees like Kaine. I won’t be happy with Bayh or Nunn.

  5. A. Bundy says:

    God bless Joe Biden!

  6. laura says:

    i am hopefull of biden did volunteer a bit on his campaign but also the fact that i can say i had his wife as a teacher at del tech in the spring of 07 and also i have llike his profile pic and a persoanl note from him to me a that i plan on framing . im proud to be a delawarean at this point in time if it really does happen and as a young voter and what not

  7. Dana says:

    But it’ll be Bill Richardson.

  8. kavips says:

    Hope will always spring eternal. For most of Delaware will now support Obama, even if they have Republican connections. It is a natural human emotion that commonly happens when one has been ignored for so long, and finally, finally gets recognized.

    Criticisms of Biden, even if justified, will be as frequent around here, as are criticisms of Phelps around Baltimore…… Even those who flicked his ears on the school bus are now lining up on facebook to renew his acquaintance.

  9. jason330 says:


    Do you see a huge Dem change election here in DE with Biden on the ticket?

    I’m thinking huge changes in Dover.

  10. miscreant says:

    Think someone could text me his decision? I’m pretty sure I’m not too high on his notification list.

    I admire your enthusiasm, but I hope the Senator’s wife wasn’t teaching grammar. Nonetheless, I’m sure it’s a comfort to him to know he has clinched the giddy schoolgirl vote.

  11. laura says:

    miscreant umm she had taught a writting class but thats nto the reason why i backed him it jsut somethign i can look back on when the years pass but i do have pics with bot hte wife and joe as well . i jsut htink it will out delaware on the map

  12. Von Cracker says:

    Wow, what an asshole you are, Create, for getting jollies off of grammatical critique and perceived misplacement of enthusiasm!

    But the question begs….did you change your undies and clean yourself up after typing that comment? 😛

  13. I am the kid who can’t wait for Christmas to get here.

    so you haven’t been told santa doesn’t exist yet either….

  14. Steve Newton says:

    I have become convinced over the past three weeks that you guys are right that Biden is Obama’s best pick, and that from the purely in-house perspective of the DE Democratic Party an announcement of that this week will pay off in a lessening of the bitterness in the Markell-Carney primary because the loser will inevitably get Biden’s seat.

    In terms of tactics and positioning I have to admire the technique.

    I also have to admit to liking Biden better on foreign policy than just about any other Democrat, but I wonder if–after Cheney–any president can afford to have the VP take such a high-profile role. In a way, I think a Pres Obama will dearly miss Biden as Sec State if he takes him as VP. But there are always downsides….

    If Biden does become VP; who do you then see Obama liking for Sec State?

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Good question. A little premature, but a good question.


  16. nemski says:

    he he he . . . you said premature . . . he he he

  17. delawaredem says:

    Well, no one is as evil as Dick Cheney. Joe Biden is no Dick Cheney. The man who wears the pants in an Obama Administration is Obama, not Biden. You could not say that about the Bush-Cheney relationship.

    For Secretary of State, I like John Kerry, but Obama could offer it to Hagel or Dick Lugar too. Hell, the ultimate coup would be Bill Clinton. I can also see Hagel as SecDef, as well as Nunn.

  18. bankruptcy bill

    princeton hat at Mukasey vetting

  19. liberalgeek says:

    Maybe he could offer it to Jimmy Carter, just to piss off the wingnuts…

  20. delawaredem says:

    Donviti….you should be happy that Biden is the VP. You are currently the frontrunner to replace him in the Senate!

  21. blah, blah, blah…I am waiting till he has some malignant cancer to christen him the 2nd coming of christ.

    oh wait he is catholic….never mind

  22. delawaredem says:

    Huh? Put down the vino, Donviti, for you are making less sense than usual.

  23. kavips says:

    Jason, getting back to your question… Sorry, I was dashing off a couple of posts, looks like I missed the fun. I see DV has started his own thread…. He did say SN Pale, right? That’s good stuff, a lot like Bass Pale. My view is that after eight, he must be up there pretty close to the Muse herself,… he deserves his own thread……. Back to your question.

    I think having Biden on the ticket will only make a difference in the number of those voting for Obama. Twenty percent of those who today are currently thinking of McCain, will switch to Obama/Biden as the hype starts building and the MSM starts interviewing local faces….

    If you thought Obama’s Wilmington visit was big, wait until the national campaign rolls in. It is a much bigger zoo.

    No doubt, if Biden is the one, several Obama speeches in Wilmington, covered by the Philadelphia media market, may occur during the golden season between Labor and Election Day. Great News for a state that is usually passed over.

    But there will not be any considerable shift in other races I predict. Turnout will be high as in the last election so that will skew a lot of the prognostication towards Democratic candidates.

    The only area that might get a Democratic bump, is actually your area, around Middletown. The Newbies, all pumped up for Obama/Biden, will pour into the polls having never heard of Cathcart, etc… So that area alone may show a bump up and down the entire Democratic ticket.

    But keep in mind, how much this state loathed Republicans in 04… it will be hard to beat that….

    BTW, have you found anything new on Mike Castle? I realized while talking about KHN, Miller, and Northington, that since Bluewater Wind heated up, he has dropped completely off the radar screens……

  24. miscreant says:

    “Maybe he could offer it to Jimmy Carter, just to piss off the wingnuts…”

    That would actually please the wingnuts, including that Obama leg humper, V.Crack.

  25. jason330 says:

    I think you are right about the 9th. But I htink there are down ticket races like the 9th around and all close races will go to the Dem.

    As for Castle. After 6 years of calling him out for every vote and every stupid press release I guess I ran out of steam a bit. He is, as ever, the pretend moderate and Delaware’s biggest Bushie edging out Tom Carper.