Lifflander v. Good Old Boy(s)

Filed in National by on August 18, 2008

I have been hearing some stories out of Sussex County about the Atkins/Lifflander Primary. I have to admit that I have been sorely lacking in my pursuit for this race. I have heard stories of sign theft, intimidation and even that Lifflander might drop out. This made me sad, since I think that Atkins back in the House would be a disgraceful example of the Delaware Way and the good old boys network. I am happy to say that not all of the rumors are true.

Sure, Barbara Lifflander has received cowardly threats and distasteful letters in her mailbox. Sure, she has had signs disappear, even as Atkins signs show up in the front yards of people that didn’t ask for them (mostly weekend residents). But is Barbara Lifflander thinking of dropping out of the race?

No. No. No. Never. No.” She told me on the phone Monday evening. She recounted for me the way that John Atkins evacuated the Democratic tent at a Millsboro event this weekend just minutes after Barbara arrived. He didn’t return for the rest of the day, since Barbara had injured her ankle and was stuck in the tent all day.

She told me how she was putting issues-oriented ads in the Sussex Countian every week and trying to make her case on issues. She told me how the campaign started with just $105 (“My sister gave me $5”). She told me about how she has a friend that made signs for the side of his pickup. She told me about how she wants to go to Dover to help out the people in Millsboro, advocating for cleaner water in the bay. I ponted outr that Atkins had commented recently about what a good neighbor NRG was. She told me how her Father and Grandfather had fished in the bay and no one had any fear of eating the fish.

If you have some money that you want to put to good use, you should write a check to Barbara Lifflander. She is fighting the fight that I cannot. She is fighting the fight that has cost many Sussex Countians that have stood up to Atkins long nights of sleeplessness.

If you would like to contribute, please send a check to Barbara at:

Friends of Barbara
32530 E. Fairfax Ct.
Millsboro, DE 19966

I plan to send her something before the week is out and to speak to her again later on in the week.

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  1. anon. says:

    Ah, Barbara Lifflander, the singing candidate. My sources tell me that the Sussex County Chair also vacated the tent and walked out with him. Have you ever been in this womans presence? Coo-coo! Save your money, she gets creamed in the 41st. And by the way the drop out of the race “RUMOR” was started by her

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Thanks for stopping by John. Hopefully our paths will cross when I’m down there campaigning against you.

  3. god damnit! I don’t give money to a campaign EVER. but to if it helps make sure this asshole doesn’t get elected I just might do it.

    what it is the maximum amount I can give!? I am not kidding either.

  4. wow…wait a minute you mean WMGD Atkins posted a comment as anon and tried to slink away like a slug….


  5. nemski says:

    donviti, you are way too cheap to donate to a campaign.

    I hear you are waiting for Jason to buy you some beers on primary day so that you’ll vote for Markell.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, and for the record, my first conversation with Lifflander was today and I have not ever spoken to anon. errr…Atkins, but have heard tales of horror from those that have spent any time with the guy. I’ll plan to do a story on some of the tactics that Mr. Congeniality has used when he thinks someone isn’t “one of the boys.”

  7. nemski,

    wait till TPM gets a hold of this story. Atkins is toast.

    and I will donate…I shit you not. even if it means I can’t fertilize your lawn anymore

  8. R Smitty says:

    Something to consider…as you work with Barbara and get the stories about Johnonymous, think back to what Burris has been saying all along about Anotkins, yet been mercilessly criticized over. It’s all so eerily similar.

  9. jason330 says:

    donviti, you are way too cheap to donate to a campaign.

    I hear you are waiting for Jason to buy you some beers on primary day so that you’ll vote for Markell

    Old school Dem politics. That’s what I’m talking about.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    I’ve been right there next to Burris on this issue. I know the kind of crap that Johnny plays with all of his detractors. Bring it.

  11. R Smitty says:

    My bad, I definitely should have clarified. I know you’ve been by him and some others have, too. Unfortunately, some others with blogger-sway certainly have not.

  12. R Smitty says:

    wow…wait a minute you mean WMGD Atkins posted a comment as anon and tried to slink away like a slug….

    BTW, I declare that a certain personality from Atkins’ playground, known as WGMD, shall henceforth be known as “Gasassney.” (gas-ass-ney)

    Make it so.

  13. Just by way of full disclosure, in an interview conducted at the Countian office, Ms. Lifflander did indeed suggest that she was considering dropping out of the race, if the harassment she had described continued. She also said she would let me know if that was the case. She has a large ad running in the paper this week, so I assume it is not.

  14. anonjohn says:

    I’d like to know what Democrats are supporting Atkins.

    If the County Chair IS supporting the drunk driving wife abuser Sussex County Dems need to find someone with a little integrity to take his place as the county head.

    The GOP kicked him out and the Democrats scoop him up-that’s just embarrassing.

  15. P.I. says:

    Gilligan is behind the Atkins campaign and he doesn’t even care that Atkins is a republican with a donkey suit on. All he cares about is getting a democratic majority in the House. On the other hand, BL comes off as someone who’s a few french fries shy of a happy meal. That district is pathetic. Let it stay republican and concentrate on seats in northern areas where being a democrat is more likely to resemble a democrat. Push for candidates like Katz, Bushwaller, Creedon….to name a few.

  16. FSP says:

    If you want to know which Democrats are supporting Atkins (and confirm your suspicions about power being more important than anything, including family apparently), check his campaign finance report.

  17. OldHickory says:

    FSP’s right- it didn’t take Schwarzkopf long…

  18. FSP says:

    Forgiveness is a virtue, OldHickory.

  19. liberalgeek says:

    Ya know, that is the kind of thing that hurts democracy. Now I’m gonna have to trash Pete, then people that support Pete… pretty soon I’ll be calling myself a sellout for supporting someone that supports someone to supports Atkins.

    Damn you, Schwarzkopf!

  20. FSP

    why don’t you just tell us. Instead of gving your typical smarmy I know something you don’t attitude.

    wait nevermind. You wouldn’t have anything to write about then.

  21. FSP says:

    DBB — Are you lost?

  22. liberalgeek says:

    What FSP is talking about is that Pete Schwarzkopf donated the maximum to Atkins. If you are wondering what the max is, it is $600. Pete is one of 7 contributors listed here.

  23. FSP says:

    And DBB, if you keep messing with me, I absolutely will kidnap you and put you on this boat for a week.

  24. jason330 says:

    Dear Pete Schwarzkopf,


    – jason

  25. pandora says:

    I just checked out FSP’s boat. Mitt Romney is listed as a speaker for a cruise that runs November 8 – 15, 2008. Hmm… is this a hint that Romney will not be McCain’s VP choice? Thoughts?

  26. FSP says:

    He doesn’t get a few days off after the big win, Pandora?

  27. liberalgeek says:

    Good point, FSP. How many days did Bush take off in his first year? That is until September…

  28. Pandora says:

    Days off? This looks like work to me! Just thought he’d be keeping his calendar open. 😉