Delaware Liberal

you know what???? Screw it….

I’m not getting behind Biden, just because he is from Delaeware and I’m from Delaware. Screw it man. you know why??? Because, because Joe Biden is everthing I Donviti, DHB have rallied against as a person that that fights the man, that “rages against the machine” as a person that considered Nader and Perot a viable candidate for my country.

Biden? Are you serious? I’m supposed to just get in line because…well, HE is from Delaware? F’ you, screw that man. He is playing the f’ing game man. Could you imagine if Ted Stevens son was running for a position in his home state….Oh wait let me remind you…HE F’ING IS….

I’m so sorry to remind you people that were so pissed when biden sided with MBNA against millions of people to fuck them over when it cames to filing bankruptcy. Screw it man. I’m not going to look the other way. Biden is exactly the mainstream politician I have rallied against since I was a squirt in my daddy’s pants.

I hate life long politicians like him. I hate lifelong politicians like him that get their son’s the state AG job because of his birth name. (fyi: I voted for the drunk driving hit and run Ferris Wharton)

YOU KNOW what. I hate that I’m supposed to congratulate Biden. “OHHHHHH JOE, you are my hero” You have made delaware soooooo f’ing proud.  Wheeeee, I am swooning your hair plugged presence”

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH, I’d rather you fucking had a melignant brain tumor so everyone could lament at how wonderful a guy you were for our state then having to stroke my Viagra induced hard-on that you are the  savior to getting my actual savior elected.

What fucking ever man. I voted for you, let me count…..Oh NEVER….and now,  what?  all of a sudden I am going to be some sheep that gets in line.   Screw that, I say,  “I AM NOT GOING TO SWAY MY PRINCIPLES for you just because you are a delawarean Joe. You let me down several times over the years. I have not forgotten. I will not forget.

You are the reason I have wished, dreamed and prayed for term limits. I can’t get rid of you soon enough and the fact that the guy I hoped would be president MAY have chosen you, fucking perplexes me and puts me in a position to freaking hope you don’t fuck me over AGAIN for big business… Especially the greedy fucking banks that have destroyed this state and made a few hundred people rich at the expense of tens of thousands middle class Americans.

F you, you piece of crap.  Don’t screw me over Joe, I am DTB!!!

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