Any High School Basketball Fans Here?

Filed in National by on August 19, 2008

I’ll admit that I am not much of a basketball fan, but I have been fascinated by Elena Delledon for years.  The rivalry that she developed with another player at St. E’s was really a boon for womens basketball in Delaware.  When her rival, Khadijah Rushdan went to Rutgers, Elena stood alone in the state as the best athlete.

This week she decided not to play for basketball powerhouse, UConn.  UConn fans are not happy.  In fact, they are now comparing her to Brett Favre.  After reading the article, I am glad that Elena will be staying here in Delaware, playing volleyball.

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  1. Big East Bully says:

    1. UConn always was and always will be the ghetto school of the Big East. Perhaps you’d be happier in another conference (bye and best wishes from the Catholics!)

    2. Geno may call himself a coach, but his actions appear to be that of a pimp.

    3. College is for academics, not athletics. Perhaps we might be a little better off in world standing if we focused on that.

    4. NCAA Women’s “{insert anything}” is nothing but a bureaucratic crutch to allow the continued existance of that peculiar form of welfare for stupid fat men known as “football.” Sadly this also ends up staffing the ranks of most athletic departments!

    5. Elena DelleDonne owes nothing to anyone but her family. She need not play any sport for U. Del.

  2. Old Shoe Lady Who Knew What to Do..... says:

    I was appalled at the Enquiring Snooze’s articles this summer when Ms. DelleDonne left UConn….she is a college freshman NOT a professional ball player.

    Let her alone!

  3. t.o. says:

    This is what happens when parents push their kids too hard. Burnout. It’s unfortunate she has lost interest in the game.

    She did break a commitment.

  4. Big East Bully says:


    A liberal unfamiliar with the concept of DIVORCE????

    Say it isn’t so!

    She took what what was hers. They took what was theirs.

    Get over it.

    Besides…..UConn is Don Imus’ second favorite women’s basketball team.

    Do we really want to send our Delaware daughters up to smelly ol’ CT?

  5. John Manifold says:

    Where does one start?

    1. “She did break a commitment.” No, she exercised her right, under the uniform national letter of intent that heavily favors the colleges over the student-athletes, and gave notice that she did not wish to continue at UConn. The terms of that letter let colleges drop athletes from scholarship if they break a femur or scowl at an assistant coach.

    2. “This is what happens when parents push their kids too hard.” No, Elena is among the most motivated self-starters this state has ever seen. It is fair to surmise that she’s weary of the rat-race, but she didn’t become the nation’s most acclaimed high school player due to parental pressure.

    3. “NCAA Women’s [athletics] is nothing but a bureaucratic crutch …” No, college women’s sports is an outlet – overdue and still often under-financed – for the competitive physical drive of 57 percent of students now in college.

  6. Big East Bully says:

    Allow me to *finish*…..

    “3. “NCAA Women’s [athletics] is nothing but a bureaucratic crutch …” No, college women’s sports is an outlet – overdue and still often under-financed – for the competitive physical drive of 57 percent of students now in college.”

    Yes, “college women’s sports” is great.

    “NCAA Women’s {anything}” is NOT. It’s just a bureaucratic crutch to spend money to equal the dumb male welfare being doled out for football. It allows them to run through money quicker. The more overhead the better.

    If the NCAA was Muslim and a country, we would have invaded it.

  7. jason330 says:

    Screw Connecticut.

  8. mike w. says:

    Good for her. Clearly she didn’t want to be there. Why stay 4 years in a school you hate?