
Filed in National by on August 19, 2008

I’m not going to lie. We know how to break records in this country baby!

Wholesale prices jumped in July at the fastest rate in more than a quarter century, furthering concern about a continued increase in inflation at a time when economic activity has ebbed.

New federal government data showed that the cost of materials used by businesses increased 1.2 percent in July and have risen 9.8 percent during the past 12 months. It was the largest yearly increase since 1981, as businesses absorbed sharp increases in energy and other commodity costs

put that in your speedo Phelps!

And don’t forget wages have dropped too. Bang Bang baby!

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    If you make over $5 million a year it would not mean much to you. But if you are squeaking by at $3 million per year, McCain has you back with a big tax cut.

  2. mike w. says:

    I’d like to see a % based tax cut that’s the same across the board, but I doubt that’ll happen.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    How about eliminating income tax and tax consumption instead, especially on carbon?

  4. RAY K> says:

    hot rumor on the financial blogs of a bank too big to fail, failing. One of the prime suspects is wachovia. They will wait till friday at happy hour to make it official like they always do, because they think we will be drunk by then and won`t notice.

  5. RAY K> says:

    Right after the market close today Lehman brothers reported another 4 billion in write downs due to bad mortgages. The sky is falling!
    The sky is falling!