Filed in National by on August 19, 2008

Despite Donviti’s drunken objections last night, the word is starting to filter into the traditional media.   Look at this tease from Mark Halperin of Time Magazine’s “The Page” this morning.  

Say It Is So, Joe

Foreign Relations, Judiciary, debater, speechifier.

Bo knows….the pick.

Another tease: The News Journal now has redone its special online section on Joe Biden.  Remember, the News Journal doesn’t do anything unless it has to.

The announcement could come at any time today.   Or of course, we could all be wrong and it could be Hillary or Kaine or Bayh. 


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  1. Jason330 says:

    let’s agree that is not Bayh. That is the pick that would hurt Obama.
    .oh crap. It is Bayh.

  2. delawaredem says:

    LOL. There is a right wing prank email going around that purports to have a screen grab of CNN’s political ticker showing the mistaken announcement of Bayh as the VP.

    My heart sank like a stone until I realized the forgery and the prank.

    I do not want it to be Bayh.

  3. liz allen says:

    The whole world better hope its NOT Biden. Biden just promised the Georgian’s a BILLION dollars! Do we need another foreign policy blunder the likes of Iraq?

    Biden is a hawk! He is acting like John McMad and Joe Leiberman…is Biden trying to buy his VP seat, by pandering to the Georgian president who INVADED HIS NEIGHBORS.


  4. delawaredem says:

    LOL. Liz finally checks in. I was wondering where she was yesterday

  5. June says:

    Biden is not trying to buy his VP seat, Liz. He wants to be Secretary of State–not VP.

  6. liz allen says:

    June what the hell do you know about Biden? Didnt we try to talk him out of supporting Bush on Iraq? And what did he tell us–be real you were there! Biden is a neo con, his foreign policy is a disaster. He has gone further to the right on the Georgia/Russia debacle than McMad! Secretary of State~~~~ just great June! Will Biden be the Condaleeezzzza for the blue dog democrats? Yes, absolutely!

    Its too bad you so called progressives don’t read anything other than the american corporate media selling us another war only this time with a super power with nuclear weapons.

    We should not be supporting missiles in Poland (a Reagun Star wars crime), we should not be supporting Georgia who invaded South Osetia who does not want to be part of Georgia, they wanted to be independent of Georgia. It was Georgia who slaughtered thousands of innocent people, bombing hospitals and residential areas…can anyone say Kosovo all over again.

    Before you speak get some facts on this situtation, otherwise get ready for War. Biden should be talking diplomacy with Russia, not going further to the right than McMad!

    Have you forgiven Biden for Iraq June…I sure as hell havent. I will not forgive him for taking the right wing blue dog neo con stance against Russia. The cold war was over and John McCain needs a “reason to be elected”, by scaring the hell out of americans that “russia is the big bad guy”. Russia may have been in the past but they are not wrong on this incident.

    Its the Bushies, the Brits and the Israelies arming Georgia to the teeth and giving them a wink and a nod to invade during the Olympics.


  7. liz allen says:

    I support Kaine for VP if you have heard him speak you would know he is right for the VP slot, and Obama and he are friends. Caine won’t be trying to overshadow Obama but Biden with his big mouth will make Obama constantly have to set the record straight to correct all the Biden gaffe’s.

  8. Arthur Downs says:

    If Biden were chosen as the nominee, would he hedge his bet by also running for his senate seat? This would echo the game played by LBJ in 1960.

    Not exactly a gesture of confidence in the ticket.

  9. Al Mascitti says:

    “Not exactly a gesture of confidence in the ticket.”

    Only the conservative posturing classes would look at it that way. Or should I say, only a posturing conservative (or someone looking to retire) would fail to cover his butt by running for his Senate seat.

  10. delawaredem says:


    LBJ is not alone. Bentsen did it in 1988, as did Lieberman in 2000.