Mike Protack Is Right

Filed in National by on August 19, 2008

…or he is wrong and Bill Lee is right.

Either way, it is not a debateable point – it is a point of fact that using Legislative Hall for political purposes is either allowed by the rules governing such thing or it is disallowed.

They can’t both be right. This one can’t be spun.

Per WGMD – the event is now in limbo.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. FSP says:

    “With regard to the veterans event, this forum was set up by Dave Skocik, who is a long-time veterans advocate. Bill Lee was invited by Mr. Skocik to attend his forum, but both Mr. Skocik and Maria Evans (Communications Director for Bill Lee) confirm that the Lee campaign had nothing to do with organizing the event or selecting the venue.”

  2. anon. says:

    FSP, I call bullshit! Listen to the audio. Mr. Skocik says it was set up by the Lee campaign? Also the invites were printed on Lee campaign letterhead.

  3. FSP says:

    Piss off, John. Nobody cares what you think.

  4. anon. says:

    FSP, wrong again.

    Now take your ball and go home.


  5. FSP says:

    I’m not going to argue with a mental infant.

  6. nemski says:

    Color me confused on this one.

    1. A veterans forum was being held and could be held in Legislative Hall.

    2. They invited Lee to attend which may have posed a problem, but then again it may not have.

    3. Lee’s campaign began to promote this a part of his whistle-stop campaign. 🙂

    4. So now the forum has been postponed due to the “nature” of the event.

    Do I understand correctly. What’s the problem?

  7. Wasn’t Dave Skocik a game show host in another life? Looks like he got this answer wrong, big time.

  8. mike w. says:

    “Color me confused on this one.”

    Judging by the comments on my blog you seem to be easily confused. Nothing wrong with that, but I hope I’ve cleared up your confusion.

  9. anon. says:

    FSP, when faced with the facts you always run and hide, just sayin’.

    Can’t wait until you quit blogging.

    Wait a minute you already did that. Twice.

  10. Arthur Downs says:

    Who cares? If one party was demanding exclusive access to the hall and getting away with it, there would be a problem.

    I do believe that the game of politics is played within the building on a regualar basis.

    While Mike Protack has voiced some worthwhile criticism in the past, perhaps some activism on behalf of a candidate other than himself might be the lighting of a candle in lieu of cursing a perceived darkness.

    This may not turn out to be the year for cult of personality candidates.

  11. Old Shoe Lady Who Knew What to Do..... says:

    Lets’ go baaaaack to whose campaign funds are they anyway…..

    …..should Ted Blunt hand out $600. chunks to his political ‘favs’ or should he return the money (donated for his run for Lt. Gov.) to his backers?

    …just askin’

  12. FSP says:

    “FSP, when faced with the facts you always run and hide, just sayin’.”

    This from a guy who hides behind an alias and likes to hit girls.

  13. Al Mascitti says:

    You think it’s Atkins, Dave? Any evidence that Atkins spells that well?

  14. anon. says:

    FSP, Al,

    You guys crack me up.

    When someone disagrees with you, it’s always Atkins, or wait a minute maybe it’s Protack or it’s the boogey man!

    You two are to easy. You both see ghosts where there aren’t any!

  15. rsmitty says:

    Lest we all forget who Gassassney fawns over down there…

    Can I get a Protack/Atkins from the audience?