“Wealthy” According to John McCain

Filed in National by on August 19, 2008

If you are a Republican make a measly $3 mill a year you better have a heart to heart talk with Republican Jesus and figure out what you are doing wrong.

As Dana points out, according to John McCain if you make $3 mill per year you are still two million dollars a year away from being rich.


Which reminds me…. What is more pathetic than rich out of touch Republicans like MCCain?   Click “more” for the answer.

The answer to the question, “What is more pathetic than rich out of touch Republicans?” is working and middle class Republicans who think they have something in common with the Lords and Ladies who run the GOP show.

They are the pathetic dupes.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (41)

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    5 million? Doesn’t McCain spend that in credit card payments in a year? No wonder he thinks that is middle class. Does anyone remember when McCain said that Americans wouldn’t pick lettuce for $20/hr? This guy obviously doesn’t understand what regular Americans go through.

  2. delawaredem says:

    I am updating this post with a video of a DNC ad showing this McCain “mistake.”

  3. pandora says:

    What is it with this guy and upping the ante? “Maybe 100 years” in reference to Iraq, and now this.

  4. Joe M says:

    He said this during the Rev.Warren whorefest, didn’t he?

    UPDATE: Just saw the video update. I love being right about small, inconsequential facts. Plus, I got to say “whorefest” in reference to a Reverend!

  5. delawaredem says:

    Say what you want about Rev. Warren, but I loved how he and his audience literally and mockingly laughed at him when McCain uttered that ridiculous figure.

  6. Joe M says:


    There’s always a bigger jackass. Doesn’t mean I have to like the lesser jackass.

  7. delawaredem says:

    Oh, I know. I just liked how even he thought McCain’s comments were ridiculous.

  8. mike w. says:

    And what’s wrong with being rich?

  9. Belfry says:

    So….lemmeee understand…..you don’t like that McCain would like to protect honest and hardworking families who might happen to earn up to $5 million from the socialist wet dream taxation fantasy of the Obamination?

    Say…if you like to assume that money breeds corrupt conservatives, can I assume that lack of it breeds liberal tax monkeys (a.k.a thieves)?

  10. Von Cracker says:

    I guess you don’t understand then…considering that the wealthy disproportionately use more tax revenue through services, resources, and infrastructure than average citizens.

    So pay your appropriate fair share and shut your yap!

    “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” – J.K. Galbraith

  11. mike w. says:

    Belfry – You forget. if the government is taking it it’s not theft, it’s “benevolent re-allocation of resources for the common good.”……

  12. mike w. says:

    ” superior moral justification for selfishness.”

    I don’t need justification for selfishness. Self-interest/selfishness is in itself a virtue.

  13. Belfry says:

    “the wealthy disproportionately use more tax revenue through services, resources, and infrastructure than average citizens.

    So pay your appropriate fair share and shut your yap!”

    Bill me directly for the services and resources. I’ll pay item by item for what I actually use.

    I expect you to do the same.

    You may not have my money on retainer.

  14. jason330 says:

    And what’s wrong with being rich?

    Again. You can;t be this dumb. I htink you are just missing the point that McCain called people who make $1, $2, $3 and even $4 million a year middle class.

    Does that sound like middle class to you?

    Did you even read the post?

    I hope so. I was thinking of you when I wrote the last part.

    The fact is “average” salary in America is about 41k a year and 95% of households earned less than $199,000. But that is not all, that average household debt has risen to 129 percent of after-tax income.

    I’d say McCain was a little off with his guess wouldn’t you?

    Of course you wouldn’t. Why do I bother.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Let me be “that guy” that points out that the $5 million was a joke. I actually think that the video is unfair. There are much better ways to go after the guy without conflating a joke to be something it isn’t.

    But that’s me. I’m just kissing up to Joanne Christian…

  16. Rebecca says:

    The problem is McCain’s jokes aren’t funny. He may be yucking it up but the rest of the nation is hurting.

  17. nemski says:

    Rebecca, McCain’s jokes might not be funny, but he’s just being McCain, a man who tells jokes about rape and suggests that his wife go on stage and simulate oral sex with a banana. It’s McCain being McCain.

  18. Rebecca says:

    Ya got that right nemski! He’s really a sadist.

  19. pandora says:

    I don’t think the 5 million dollar comment was a joke. I think it falls in the same category as the “maybe a hundred years” comment. Both answers, IMO, were ways to paint the questions as ridiculous and not worth the time of answering seriously.

  20. mike w. says:

    “But that is not all, that average household debt has risen to 129 percent of after-tax income.”

    And who’s fault is that?…..

  21. jason330 says:

    The point is that $2 million per year is not middle class.

    I’m sure you knew that though and were just trying like hell to find something in my comment to reply to because you know you are 100% pwnd on this topic.

  22. anon says:

    The answer to the question, “What is more pathetic than rich out of touch Republicans?”

    … is working and middle class Republicans who think they have something in common with the Lords and Ladies who run the GOP show.

    Classic example right here.

  23. mike w. says:

    See, you folks just don’t get it. It has nothing to do with “having something in common.” It’s a matter of principle.

  24. jason330 says:


    I have to hand it to you Mike. That was funny.

  25. Al Mascitti says:

    “I don’t need justification for selfishness. Self-interest/selfishness is in itself a virtue.”

    I take back my earlier statement about the difference between conservatives and liberals being found in what they fear. It’s found in what they value, too.

  26. Pandora says:

    No, Mike, it’s not. It’s more like Three Card Monty. Most people will never win because the game is rigged.

    And the fact you paint debt as frivolous displays a lack of knowledge of what’s happening. Yes, some debt can be attributed to living above your means, but most debt is linked to medical bills and unexpected crisis – like a broken hot water heater, new roof, and in today’s climate food. Shit happens, and the most financially responsible person can suddenly find themselves in debt they never saw coming.

    For someone who hates to be stereotyped you sure don’t have a problem doing unto others.

  27. Joanne Christian says:

    LG–that’s not kissing up–that’s clear thinking..I guess those Northern pines and fresh air did something good for us all after all. So that’s what took so long? Deprogramming after all those years? Just want you to know I will be there for you throughout your recovery….it will get easier every election….
    Pandora–you are correct about debt, except for the last 5 years–and now we have real problems, only to get worse with a generation who is very comfortable w/ credit,and will now see a government bail-out. Enabling and tough love–always that fine line in parenting!!!

  28. mike w. says:

    “but most debt is linked to medical bills and unexpected crisis – like a broken hot water heater, new roof, and in today’s climate food. Shit happens, and the most financially responsible person can suddenly find themselves in debt they never saw coming.”

    People have always had to take on extra debt because of unexpected crisis, that’s nothing new. Keep in mind however, that the average American has $10K in credit card debt. Food? You can put much of the blame on moronic government officials who decided it’d be fun to mandate the use of corn based ethanol in fuel (which BTW is an inefficient fuel) Obviously another component to food costs are gas prices, but rising corn/grain prices raise the price of much of the food we eat.

    When they 1st mandated Ethanol I remember thinking it would have serious “unintended consequences” on other markets. I’m not the least bit surprised, but hey, that’s what happens when the government mandates “solutions.”

    What do you get when the government comes along and bails everyone out? (see housing crisis) You teach people that they can take huge financial risks and the .Gov will come along and save them. That only breeds more of the same behavior that caused the problem in the 1st place.

  29. Von Cracker says:

    Ethanol’s a racket.

    Mike, change the word ‘people’ with ‘corporations’ and you get the same thing.

  30. mike w. says:

    I don’t think the Gov. should be bailing out huge Corps. either.

  31. pandora says:

    Curious, Mike. What unexpected crisis have you experienced that resulted in credit card debt?

    We are now facing adding a new roof, braces, and a parent who can no longer live on his own due to illness – not to mention up coming college tuition. And while we have money saved for some, not all, of these things one more “crisis” could add us to the debt carrying list.

    BTW, as of now we carry no credit card debt, but I’d be foolish to paint myself as superior when I have no idea what’s waiting for us around the corner.

  32. Sharon says:

    Well, I had my last 2 kids on Visa because the doctor had to be paid up front. And I’ve lived about twice as long, probably, as Mike W., so I might be more familiar with the ups and downs of life that can cause you to be in debt.

    But in large part, most of the debt people accrue is because they want this or that, don’t have the cash for it, and don’t mind making payments. They start with a gas card because they don’t want to have to pay cash at the pump. Then they get a store credit card and just can’t not buy something or other because they can make the monthly payments. Then they move up to a Visa or Mastercard and that can go everywhere, so they use it everywhere.

    I’m not saying medical bills or house problems don’t fit into the equation, too. Hell, I have a $3k bill from the E.R. that I haven’t been able to pay yet. But 30 trips a month to Whataburger on the Visa doesn’t fall into the “accidents happen” category.

  33. Al Mascitti says:

    Mike, with all due respect, you’re what, 22, 23 years old? You have an awful lot to learn before you speak with such certitude.

  34. jason330 says:


    You are being warned. No more thread hijacking or you will get another time out.

  35. mike w. says:

    Oh joy, more “reasoned discourse”

    (sorry Al, I responded, but Jason ate my comment)

  36. jason330 says:

    Let’s get this right on the table. Everything is not about your 2nd amendment rights being taken away.

    Keep going there and your time out will be forever.

  37. mike w. says:

    Neither were the entirety of the comments you ate. Mine and Infantry soliders.

  38. jason330 says:

    Don;t test me boy. I know how you operate.

  39. mike w. says:

    Yes, I do, and I still stand by comment #38.

  40. mike w. says:

    You know, I’ve never really understood the appeal in certain circles of “class warfare.” It’s completely counterproductive, divisive, and it leads a good portion of the population to resent eachother.