Boots on the Ground

Filed in National by on August 20, 2008

Summering with a Hillary supporter has been trying, to say the least. However, sometimes between the “Obama has to throw a punch” and the constant citing of the doom and gloom daily Gallop poll the debate triggers a “light bulb over the head” moment.

This Hillary supporter doesn’t recognize what Obama is doing because he’s never seen anything like it.

While millions may be spent on advertising, so too is one campaign spending millions on ground game while the other is spending virtually nothing. Obama is investing more massively than any campaign in the history of American politics on the ground game. McCain is essentially not investing in ground. His early summer numbers of 20,000 phone calls nationwide for a whole month would be those of a single, low-budget House campaign. That’s the equivalent of one person working ten hours a day for a month. For the entire nation. It’s basically the equivalent of zero contacts. When Martin writes that McCain’s ground campaign is revving up, it’s essentially starting from nothing and is now in 1st gear.

Obama is doing exactly what he needs to do. He’s registering new voters. After all, elections are the ultimate numbers game. It’s a ground game, as well, and one McCain has completely ignored.

How many new voters tip Virginia, Colorado, etc. from red to blue? Bet the Obama camp knows.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (18)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Now I’m even more convinced that McCain is going to pick Huckabee.

    They’ll need to plug into the Church network in order to even have a bit of a ground game come November.

  2. cassandra m says:

    In many ways, McCain is running an old Democratic playbook — expect your state party committees to deliver the votes and you pay attention to winning the national media war. Nate is exactly right — spending on ads is just one piece of the picture, but getting your supporters to the polls is the only way you win. Obama is not outspending McCain on ads yet, but he has been developing state or regionally targeted ads that use McCain’s words against him, that have been pretty good.

  3. mike w. says:

    “Now I’m even more convinced that McCain is going to pick Huckabee.”

    Oh god I hope not.

  4. pandora says:

    Huckabee is definitely on the short list. The RNC has made it clear to McCain that they will not tolerate a pro-choice VP pick.

    I’m still leaning towards him picking the boringly, safe choice: Pawlenty. Although, if there is a God, McCain will pick Lieberman! 😉

  5. you’d think a POW would understand how important fighting in the trenches is.

    McCain most be one of those more ethical warriors Mike is talking about.

  6. “Now I’m even more convinced that McCain is going to pick Huckabee.”

    Oh god I hope not.

    but, you will still vote for McCain so spare us the feigned remorse

  7. mike w. says:

    Yup, I’m sure as hell not voting for Obama.

  8. once again, your comments are empty rhetoric

  9. mike w. says:

    How so?

    Just because you disagree with what I say doesn’t mean it lacks substance. And hell, that’s a hypocritical thing to say coming from Mr. “Seal of Experience”

  10. DJK says:

    Should felons be able to vote?

  11. DJK says:

    What about dead people?

  12. mike w. says:

    “once again, your comments are empty rhetoric”

    If that’s true why do certain folks feel the need to censor them?

  13. jason330 says:

    You know the rules.

  14. mike w. says:

    DJK – Both would be solid Dem. constituencies if they could vote. Hell, the dead can and do vote sometimes.

  15. dems use dead people

    Rep’s use the voting companies

  16. Should felons be able to vote?

    no, but just because a felon has the same name as me, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to vote

  17. Truth Teller says:

    Hopefully Biden will give Him some spine The VFW speech the worst ever. Should have gone after McSame on his anti Vet votes instead of whining about saying i don’t love America.