The Latest VP Speculation.

Filed in National by on August 20, 2008

Biden, Bayh, Kaine and Sebelius are still on the short short list, and apparently, if it is going to be one of them, the announcement will come tomorrow via text message to Obama’s supporters.   Friday will be a media day for the VP pick, with interviews and what not, and a meeting with Obama.  And then there will be the Springfield, Illinois event on Saturday.

If the pick is not announced tomorrow, then hold onto your hats, because that means it will be a surprise pick.

It means it will be Hillary Clinton.

The announcement will be on Friday evening if that is the case.

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  1. Pandora says:

    Why not wait and announce at the convention? Imagine the media attention – they’d air every second.

  2. So there’s still a chance Obama can win back my friend Dominique?

  3. jason330 says:

    Lots of talk on the other side about Lieberman. How great would that be?

    Anyway, little Joe is speaking at the RNCC. Can we strip him of his COmmittee chairs now?

  4. Benjamin says:

    I dont think a Friday announcement would necessarily mean Hillary. But I would be puzzled with the strategy.

  5. If you piss off Joe and strip him of the committee chairs, can’t he switch over to R and then the Dems are fucked? I could be wrong here as I’m not much studied on the issue of Senate politics.

  6. J. Lyman says:


    Even if the Dems only won Ted Steven’s seat, they’d retain the effective (read: technical, not productive) majority they currently have. However, odds are that they’ll pick up a few more, so Lieberman’s switch wouldn’t mean much more than jackshit. Hopefully he’d get his droopy ass kicked in 2012.

  7. J. Lyman says:

    Interestingly enough, some recent surveys show that if a race were to happen today between Ned Lamont and Lieberdouche, Lamont would win by upwards of 10 points.

  8. delawaredem says:


    1. If Obama picks Clinton, and Dominique does not then emphatically support him, then we know what is really going on there.

    2. The Organizing Resolution that gives control of the Senate Chamber and all committees to the Dems does not have a provision in it that allows for a switch in control in midsession. So Lieberman and 10 other Democrats could all switch to the GOP, and the Dems would still control all the committees and Reid will be majority leader.

    In 2000, when Jeffords’ switch gave control of the chamber to the Dems in midsession, that was because it was a 50-50 Senate after the 2000 election, and the Dems used that to ensure that there would be a provision allowing a midsession switch of control.

    So who the fuck cares if we piss off Holy Joe. Let him leave.

  9. Pandora says:

    Here’s another thought on timing: The Olympics. Picking a VP before the weekend could result in Obama being accused of stealing attention from the games.

  10. Rebecca says:

    Well hell Pandora, whenever he picks a running mate he’s going to be accused of something.

  11. jason330 says:

    1. If Obama picks Clinton, and Dominique does not then emphatically support him, then we know what is really going on there.

    She is as racist as the day is long. There I said it.

  12. Jason,

    You don’t actually believe that tripe, do you?

  13. jason330 says:

    I didn’t at first but she went beyond just not liking Obama to loving McCain.

    Knowing what we know about McCain, how does one justify that?

  14. From facts “a” and “b” you’re drawing conclusion “x” rather than “c.” Obviously, you weren’t good at algebra because your math is totally fucked up.

  15. jason330 says:

    Not as bad as my spelling.

  16. Joanne Christian says:

    My private citizen opinion:

    Bayh and Kaine–No Way–too boring
    Sebellius–worthy of a look
    Biden–great chance—best choice
    Clinton–most vote gatherer–keeps unity–saves face–can still use Joe elsewhere–already Secret Service embedded as to not alert the DL readers.

    The answer being Hilary–because the best choice is not always chosen–the popular one is…

    DL–I am ready to make book–is their some fundraiser you are holding somewhere?

  17. rsmitty says:

    BHO in VA today, met with Kaine, went to fund raiser.

    DV claimed in an email on Monday to certain people (nemski one of them) that his “peoples” told him an arrangement with Biden would be announced today (or this evening) [Thursday] in Wilmington. He actually said it would be at Rodney Square, but RS looked to be business-as-usual at lunch. I’d imagine an advance team would already be in the area at this point.

    With BHO in VA, having met with Kaine already, a swing through DE is absolutely in play, in terms of possibilities. Stay tuned…

  18. liberalgeek says:

    Plus, with the freaking tollbooths on 95, he may be here for a while, even if he doesn’t stop.

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    Geek–C’mon think of a fundraiser somewhere..if not I’m putting myself on the Delaware Liberal Activities and Outing Committee…and I don’t play softball….Venus

  20. rsmitty says:


  21. rsmitty says:

    …still downloading…sheesh!

  22. liberalgeek says:

    Venus – Don’t you get it? These fundraisers take weeks to build up and pull off. Now, if all you are looking for is a bunch of liberals drinking while you order a Diet Coke, that I can put together.

    In fact, it sounds like there is one happening Tuesday at Mikimoto’s. However, the Veep will be picked by then.

    You know, A.C. isn’t that far of a drive if you really need to do some betting… 🙂

  23. rsmitty says:

    She can be the designated driver, right?

  24. liberalgeek says:

    She can. Bogey’s at 7PM? 🙂

  25. rsmitty says:

    WHOOOO! Can Jason take a time-out from his deck-building to attend?

  26. delawaredem says:

    It’s Clinton.

    Obama-Clinton 2008

  27. Joanne Christian says:

    C’mon Geek–it doesn’t take that long to find two tables together and Ortlieb’s on tap….I thought the harder decision for you liberals is which fundraiser?

  28. rsmitty says:

    George Clinton? He’s got my vote!

  29. rsmitty says:

    I thought the harder decision for you liberals is which fundraiser

    Yes, the 1040A or the 1040.

  30. Joanne Christian says:

    Why is Jason building a deck? I thought he was a progressive…don’t they have patios?

    Yes, I’ll be the DD…but there is to be no drinkin’ of that Boone’s Farm…too hard to get the smell out…