Delaware Liberal

Rethinking the Democratic Primary Process

The Boston Globe reports that the Obama campaign and the DNC are looking to establish a Democratic Change Commission to review the current state of the process:

The panel would look at changes to the timing of primaries and caucuses, reducing the number of superdelegates, and tinkering with the caucus system. “The goal of the commission will be to ensure that no primary or caucus is held prior to the first Tuesday in March of 2012, with the exception of the approved pre-window states, whose contests would be held during February 2012,” Obama’s campaign and the DNC said in a joint statement.

I think that trying to control schedules is looking like a fool’s game, but ratcheting way back on superdelegates is an excellent idea. Setting up an aristocratic overlay that can decide whether or not primary voters have done the right thing was always silly and overcontrolling. I’m still a huge fan of the Delaware Plan, which minimizes the influence of Iowa and NH, and makes candidates pretty much everywhere before having any chance at mathematically wrapping up a nomination. The American Plan is liked by many and has its merits too.

What would you tell this new Change Commission to consider to improve the Democratic primary process?

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