10 things you might not know about Grandpa

Filed in National by on August 23, 2008


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hiding in the open

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    Or how about things you may not remember. I was just chatting with “Not Brian” about that rubbish performance Spurs put on this morning at WHL… but I digress.

    He reminded me to google which senators made up the “Keating Five”. Perhaps we shouldn’t bring it up until say 15 October?

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    I just read the wiki article to refresh my memory. It makes the Rezko thing look like small potatoes. But hey, he’s a maverick right. Wasn’t he also a POW?

  3. pandora says:

    Talk about inappropriate. Just showed this to my Mom. She was shocked, and said that saying McCain has a temper in a massive understatement.

    Gee, guess diplomacy is dead with “President” McCain. Can you imagine this guy dealing with foreign leaders?

    This video needs to go viral.

  4. cajun says:

    I ain’t no MaCan’t fan, but this is a bogus and over dubbed (beeped) edited version of the original C-SPAN piece. If you watch McC’s lips he is not saying what the captions say he is. Go watch this one or go to the archives.


  5. DG,

    hardly anyone knows what Keating 5 is anymore…that story needs to be brought up again too

  6. Truth Teller says:

    Keating 5 Saving and load scandal.I also believe that one of the Bush boys was deeply involved but daddy was pres so nothing happened except Silverado Signings and Loan went down the tubes