Joe & Beau Biden Senate Succession Plans

Filed in National by on August 23, 2008

This goes into the the “say what?” file.  

Linking to Dana’s Delawarewatch post, Ben Pershing (who?) of the Washington Post  thinks that:

A) It is a forgone conclusion that Joe Biden wants Beau to take his Senate seat.  and 

B) That Mike Castle is a “moderate.” 

Which points out one of the downsides of Joe BIden being Obama’s running mate.  We are going to have to endure a bunch of losers and posers pretending that they know about Delaware politics.  

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. DJK says:

    “The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.” – Joe Biden

  2. The last thing we need is a political dynasty in this state. Anybody But Beau, in my book.

  3. jason330 says:


    I agree. Beau maybe someday, but no time soon. You’ll need to earn it.


    Better hold tight to that talking point. You are going to need something to get you through the next few months.

  4. Steve Newton says:

    Anyway, wouldn’t Beau’s imminent heroic deployment be a problem for a US Senator?

  5. G Rex says:

    So you’re pretending this wasn’t the plan when they offered Jane Brady her judgeship? And when Ralph Ann appointed Danberg (Joe’s driver back before he started taking the train to Washington) to keep Beau’s AG seat warm? Please.

  6. mike w. says:


    Better hold tight to that talking point. You are going to need something to get you through the next few months.”

    Jason – That’s a direct quote from Biden, not a “talking point.”

  7. Paul F. says:

    As a US Senator, his influence would be so great, he could petition to have his butt, recalled to duty back in the USA.
    I am sure the USA VP would have no objection to the recall.

    US Senators and US Representatives, can pull some strong strings to help individuals in the Military, when there are other serious circumstances to Repair. Personal or Not.
    Some things deserve higher preference.

    Do not call it privilege, it is routine, when it is important.

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    No Joe–Not Beau

    And believe me-Beau won’t have one grain of sand in his shoe–the biggest reason given “the imminent danger it puts “fellow” servicemen in by knowledge of his presence and whereabouts”, and potential as a target….think Prince Harry…

  9. david says:

    U. S. Senator’s are non deployable, Beau would just have to come back if he is chosen. I have a lot of respect for him. I was in his unit in the office next door until I was transferred (Not by request) because my MOS was over represented by one and I had the least seniority of the two of us.

    What was impressive to me is that he never even breathed that he wanted a transfer. It would have been legitmate to request it once he became AG. He may have had one if he pushed for one, but he didn’t. He is a real patriot. I wouldn’t begrudge him anything.

    I agree that he won’t be kicking down doors. He will be safe at Camp X, but even there you can get rocket or mortar attacks. I know people who experienced that. Don’t knock it unless you have been there.

  10. DPN says:

    Guys, when Obama-Biden win in November, the Secret Service will bring him back. End of story.

  11. miscreant says:

    “Guys, when Obama-Biden win in November, the Secret Service will bring him back.”

    To what end? For all of his stellar accomplishments to date, we wouldn’t likely notice that he is gone.

  12. Andy says:

    He is not due secret service treatment if Joe wins he is too old

  13. DJK says:

    @All left wing loon bat wing nuts who have no spine:

    We’ll see.

  14. DJK says:

    Remember how you jerked off for John Kerry? This is the same shit.

  15. RAH says:

    Biden will not give up his Senate seat unless Obama wins which is iffy right now. Current polls are tied and this is during Obama’s convention. Not a good sign.

    The recent tradition is that Kerry, Lieberman. McCain, Clinton, Obama have not given up their seats until they win. So far a sitting Senator has not won a presidency for a long long time

  16. jason330 says:

    Biden will not give up his Senate seat unless Obama wins which is iffy right now.

    Whatever gets you through the night.

    Current polls are tied and this is during Obama’s convention. Not a good sign.

    LMAO. You can’t link to these “current” polls because they only exist in your imagination.

    In the real world where I reside, Fox, Rasmussen, ABC/Washington Post, USA Today/Gallup all have Obama ahead. Only right-wing shill Zogby has McCain tied.