Joe Biden in “Walk a Day in My Shoes”

Filed in National by on August 23, 2008


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  1. liberalgeek says:

    That’s a great video.

    Chris Matthews was just on MSNBC wondering out loud if the whole build-up was a mistake. It wasn’t. They have talked about Obama all week. They will talk about Biden all weekend and they will talk about the team all next week. McCain is going to have to forget his wife’s name just to get his face on TV.

  2. Benjamin says:

    Did you read the NYT piece this morning about the McCain wealth ? I used to find Cindy’s shyness appealing but she is actually quite, well, nasty n private, isn’t she ?
    That story about making a point of calling herself an “only child” in her eulogy of her father WHILE HER SISTER WAS ON THE FRONT ROW OF THE CHURCH is … galling.

  3. delawaredem says:

    God I hate that word. It is up there with the N word.

  4. Benjamin says:

    Oh and I think the Andrew Sullivan quip that Biden is “your mom’s boyfriend” is SO true.
    My mom does not speak English and being abroad, she had never heard of him until today, and when I called her she said he was “hot” and he looked very charming. She said we have the best pair of smiles ever on our ticket.

  5. delawaredem says:

    Oh yes, Cindy is pure evil. Anyone who lies about Mother Theresa has a place in Hell reserved for them.

  6. jason330 says:

    It is really the last BAD word in America. I’ll lay off.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    They did look great together. And I don’t mean that in a gay way… Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

    Now I’m channeling Biden.

  8. Benjamin says:

    I am always ambivalent about the power we give those words.
    I see people divided about the other F word in my community and I know the AA community is divided over embracing the n word.
    I don’t know any woman who is trying to embrace the c word.

    Oh and they totally looked awesome togetther. And *I* say that in a gay way. Yummy. I can’t believe I am about to say that but I would sleep with any of the four people on that Springfield stage. Loved the Michelle dress (I suppose that’s also the gay way) !

  9. miscreant says:

    “I don’t know any woman who is trying to embrace the c word.”

    You haven’t met my first wife, Benjamin. She’s a lawyer. And, she’s a very good one.

  10. Joanne Christian says:

    Gang-I am back–sorry to enter so randomly–I have been in of all places…Providence, Rhode Island w/ 3rd child’s college search at Brown. Met up w/ liberal friends at Blue State coffee shop in town; and then ALL THIS NEWS!!!! I’m tellin’ ya I cried. Very moving moment for me…as one who can be all over politically, but has MATURED to the RIGHT…I have to say I am so very proud of the Democrats today who made a wise choice and not a popular choice…..oh may this have a trickle down effect to the state level. Now, I need to take some time and read through all your perambulations while I was gone and add my 2 cents…but I am heartily encouraged, and was emotionally moved today upon the call of Senator Biden–my daughters watching and saying “why are you crying at the TV–this is stupid…” I would NEVER have voted this year for him as a returning senator due to his lackluster opinion of his current area of public service…but now…yes now…I find myself in a very difficult position of who can McCain find that would discount this brilliant, committed, experienced public servant Obama has at his side? Not even Mitt Romney can steal my opinion at this time–and I view him as such a stand-up guy. The husband and I tried to come up w/ a list to counter Republicannily and could not on the way home. I even had youngest daughter going through my Republican flash cards I have (you gotta see these!!) to help. Paul remains steadfast….I am growing weak and remain teary….such a monumental time for a native Delawarean who has seen this Senator from the ground up–may the next few days and this blog help sort my deliberations. Enjoy the moment Democrats–you deserve it!!

    And to you Jason–That’s a porn mouth I expect out of the young Charlie Sheen–but even he grew up!!!! I still do love you, and know you will try and do better in the future…

  11. jason330 says:

    See Dave? Write the check!


    college search at Brown…

    If you have to go Ivy, think Dartmouth or Yale unless you want her to undergo pinko indoctrination.

  12. mike w. says:

    Joanne – You were so emotionally moved by Obama picking Biden that you actually tried in front of the TV?…….

  13. Joanne Christian says:

    Dave–DO NOT write any check..I am still reading…All I asked was a walk down memory lane, and to take a moment of reflection of all that has happened today..Darn you Jason..takin’ advantage of that for one of your programs…show some respect..and give me some room and time to collect myself– I have until November!

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    Not tried–cried–yup…I did…what about it?

  15. david says:

    Joanne, my friend we already have someone and he is at the top of the ticket. We don’t need to search any more.

  16. Joanne Christian says:

    Keep talking to me david….

  17. “he turns a wrench pretty well”

    fucking elitist prick!

  18. dorian... elsewhere says:

    Mrs. Gray doesn’t mind “Cunt” at all. She embraces it!

  19. Andrew C. says:

    That was a great video. Why had i never seen/heard of this before?

  20. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Now here is a great video

  21. Frieda Berryhill says:

    sorry about the video here it is