The Markell Statement

Filed in National by on August 23, 2008

“This is a dream ticket.

“Sen. Biden is truly the First State’s first statesman. We’ve been blessed to have him, and now voters across the country will see his passion, conviction, courage and wisdom. His foreign-policy expertise is unparalleled, and domestic initiatives he has sponsored, such as the COPS program and the Violence Against Women Act, have made a profound difference in our nation.

“The Obama-Biden ticket will deliver the change America needs and help repair the country’s reputation overseas, something the Bush administration badly damaged.

“After eight years of George Bush and Dick Cheney in power, it’s hard to say America doesn’t need to go in a bold new direction. The Obama-Biden campaign will answer voters’ profound calls for change.

“Sen. Obama could not possibly have made a better selection.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Andrew C. says:

    Will Carney make a similar statement? Props to Markell for rolling his out quickly, and for it being a great one.

  2. jason330 says:

    No update on Carney’s site as of 11:45. No comment on Carney sock-puppet blog either.

  3. TheRef says:

    Who will be the replacement for Biden? Ruth Ann? Carney? Markell? Is Biden up for reelection this go-round? Castle?

    I have been away from Delaware for a while …don’t know other local names? Who?

  4. Jackarney says:

    Will Jack spit or swallow? Golly how original. Couldn’t have cloned that statement from any other low level Demo shlub running for office from Tumbleweed to Mumblefuck.

  5. jason330 says:

    Thanks Mr. Head. Classsy!

  6. Tim W. says:

    Vote for Carney and send Markell to the Senate

  7. sally says:

    Jack’s days in Delaware Democratic politics are numbered. He’s got about 17 left.

  8. Wait, I thought *I* was meant to get the Senate appointment!

  9. cassandra_m says:

    And YOU were supposed to say “I’m not the guy!” until the appointment happened. Sheesh.