Hello Democrat, You And I Have Some Work To Do

Filed in National by on August 24, 2008

As the convention starts I’m sure we will all get wrapped up in the excitement and if you are like me you’ll start thinking, “These guys can’t lose.” But, as we know from recent history, we’ll need to banish that thought.

Between the traditional media that loves and covers for McCain, the GOP which will lie and cheat in both expected and unexpected way, and unreformed Hillary people who will be working for an Obama defeat to justify their insanity, this election will not be in the bag until Obama and Biden are putting their hand on a bible on the steps of the Capitol.

So over the next week, while enjoying the show in Denver, we’ll need to be thinking of ways both online, and offline ways to help get across the finish line.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Lafinger says:



  2. david says:

    Oh come on, you guys got it won. You hardly even need to bother to vote Nov. 6. If you didn’t hear its a new voting procedure. Democrats vote on Nov. 6 and Republicans vote on Nov. 4. The results will be available on that lucky number 11-7. Spread the word.

  3. DPN says:

    This will not only be an exciting week, but an historic week. Jason, you are spot on that there is work to do. And, what has always excited me most about Obama was that after he is inaugurated there will be more work to do. His will not be a passive presidency for the US citizens.

    Viva Obama!

    Yeah, I put that last part in for all the Republican trolls.

  4. Rebecca says:

    But first we gotta get Jack elected on September 9th!

  5. Sharon says:

    Hey, I want y’all to get over the finish line…second. 🙂

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    Oh no–there’s nothing more you need to do–so just sit back and relax….here..have some more sugar…..