Delaware Liberal

Mike Castle Slams Biden Pick Via Rackstraw

Being Anti-Obama/Biden right now is not a smart move for Delaware Republicans. Even Bill Lee is giddy about Obama’s pick. Mike Castle, however, has been quiet. He has not posted a statement on his web site and gave only this meager crumb to the News Journal:

U.S. Rep. Mike Castle called him “a friend and an effective advocate,” he stopped short of endorsing him, instead remaining “a supporter and ally of Senator John McCain.”

I’ll leave aside the fact that his support for McCain means that Castle is seriously lacking in the judgment required to represent Delaware in the US House and say that this statement does nto satisfy the the rag tag GOP remnant’s need for red meat.

Priscilla Rakestraw seems to have drawn the short straw and was given the job (by Castle) of being Delaware’s lone anti-Biden Republican. This statement, strongly criticizing Obama’s selection of Sen. Joe Biden as his running mate.

“While this announcement brings excitement and recognition to the state of Delaware, in choosing Joe Biden, Barack Obama has admitted his total lack of knowledge of foreign affairs and national security,” Rakestraw said in the statement. “In his first potential executive decision, Barack Obama has chosen a fellow liberal senator and an established Washington insider. Rather than bringing change, an Obama-Biden ticket will continue the same liberal establishment mindset that has obstructed real solutions to our energy security, economic security, and a safer America. Barack Obama has sent a clear message in his choice of Joe Biden – that he plans to continue advocating the failed policies of the past.” – h/t DWA

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