Filed in National by on August 24, 2008

Is it harder to be a man or a woman in the 21st century?

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hiding in the open

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  1. X Stryker says:

    Woman. People say things to my wife that they would never f***ing dare say to me.

  2. mike w. says:

    Definitely a woman.

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    Man-because US society has villianized you for all the wrongs, and emasculated you to the point of “no contest”, because whatever you do–it is received w/ a snarl.

    Woman–because we have to pull EVERYTHING off w/ effortless perfection. And w/ all the choices we have been blessed with–for us we still have to sort as choices, and not mandates. To compete my generation had to play ball as good as a man, get grades better than a man, and run the homefront as if there wasn’t a man. In the process we set up a vicious economic disparity that now requires at least a 11/2 person income–negating a female (or male) who really does just want to be home to raise a family. I’m not complaining and am grateful for those before me…but I will hope my daughters will have a better balance of “life”, w/ not as rigid of work entry and exit or else career doom. My third child was born…and my employer at the time thought it was my first (I was on that job 2+years)–the reason? I NEVER mentioned anything about the family, because it was an extremely high paying job I landed in Philly, and desperately needed to put husband through school. I couldn’t risk being viewed as one of “those”, who chronically in my opinion mismanaged childcare/work/homefront and everyone got to hear the lament.
    I am grateful for the choices. I am grateful for the male contribution on the homefront…and the new division, and less rigidity of responsibilities. I am loathe at the economic dependence we have created on the dual parent income–with that we have shortchanged our children to know a home that isn’t so tightly scheduled, nor ultra calm presence of “someone present” at the crossroads of their day. Too many have farmed out to day care, an intangible emotional benefit to our children.
    You guys are gonna hang me now right?