Breaking News…

Filed in National by on August 25, 2008

Insert heaving panting (not petting sicko’s) panting!! Holy smokes….(picture me having just run 20 feet as if I was Mike Matthews chasing down a Carney Ice Cream truck in North Wilmington to get to my laptop and report this breaking news, to you the world!)

Have you guys seen what is on CNN?

Hillary Clinton is apparently the most important piece of getting Obama elected.

DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID!!???? I kid you not. Disaster looms in the form of a short stumpy, cankled, cackling, bitter 65 year old woman.

Nothing else! That is it, UNLESS HER SUPPORTERS ALL….ALL….ALLLLLLLLLLLL GET IN LINE we are toast. And McCain wins.

In short. Hillary Clinton is the story. Nothing else.

(fyi: still panting)

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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Someone made the argument (chuck todd?) that if Obama loses, the point where the election started to be lost was when HRC didn’t concede after WI..something about having a 10% chance after that.

    So yes, it’s on HRC to get her dead-enders in line.

  2. Bitch, it’s a MIKE FLEMING ice cream truck! And I’m totally there if there are those chocolate crunchie ice cream bars on board.

  3. I don’t speak for my post, it wrote itself and I am not responsible for the content of it

  4. Von Cracker says:

    I claim plausible bullshittability….

    ….or shenanigans.

  5. Bolero says:

    Hillary in 2012.

    Ya shoulda known better than to call Bill a racist.

    That’s where ya lost.

  6. That’s where ya lost.

    that’s your problem bolero. You didn’t say WE….

  7. miscreant says:

    “…chasing down a Carney Ice Cream truck in North Wilmington…”

    HA! … ice cream…

    Reminds me of the time I saw Carney and his lovely wife at a celebration in a small town in Sussex County. He and his wife came out of the a recently restored theater, and she was slurping intently on a vanilla ice cream cone, and then she slowly slid most of it in her mouth and, with the tip of her tongue slightly showing on the bottom of the cone, she was sucking so hard her cheeks were hollow….

    Well, it was good for me.


    Carry on.

  8. DJK says:

    Liberals on toast? Sounds good to me. May I have some tea?