Comment Rescue: McCain’s Lady

Filed in National by on August 26, 2008

“I think McCain should pick a woman.” 

Me too…


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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (38)

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  1. mike w. says:

    God that’s scary. Guliani could actually pass for an ugly woman.

  2. Benjamin says:

    It would make sense for him to pick a woman but how could be repeat time after time Obama is inexperienced if he picks Palin (governor for eighteen months) or Whitman/Fiorina who have never been elected to ANYTHING ?

  3. jason330 says:

    It would be a desperate move. A hail mary pass.

  4. mike w. says:

    Ben – By the same token how can Obama be Mr. HopeChange but pick a career politician and Washington establishment VP like Biden?

  5. DPN says:

    Cause Biden is the scrappy kid from Scranton.

  6. delawaredem says:

    McCain is picking Romney.

  7. jason330 says:

    DD has spoken. Remember, he got Biden right.

  8. rsmitty says:

    He got who right? On what, his 2nd, 5th, and 10th guess? I remember a solid “it’s Clinton” for quite a few days.

  9. delawaredem says:

    LOL. I did, but I also had inside info. So that doesn’t count as a prediction.

    I am guessing it is Romney just based on the politics. A new poll out today says McCain loses 15% of his support if he chooses Lieberman or Ridge or any other pro-choice VP. And McCain can’t have neophytes Jindal or Palin or Pawlenty go up against Biden. All three would make Dan Quayle look scholarly.

    So, by process of elimination, it has to be Romney.

  10. rsmitty says:

    …or Whitman…who have [has] never been elected to ANYTHING …

    Huh? What happened to all those years in NJ? You know, prior to being set up as Bush Admin’s very first scapegoat?

  11. delawaredem says:

    Rsmitty, I said it was Biden on Monday, and with the info I had, it planned for a rollout on Thursday. When that didn’t happen, I thought something had changed, and that is why I said it could be Clinton.

    What did happen is that McCain gave the Obama campaign an opening on the Houses Gaffe, so the O Campaign delayed the VP announcement.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Meg Whitman of Ebay fame.

  13. delawaredem says:

    Not Christine Todd Whitman. Meg Whitman, the CEO of eBay.

  14. rsmitty says:

    You and DV must have the same sources!

    You should have stuck to your guns! You quivered!

  15. FSP says:

    People having not been elected to anything: are you saying that’s a bad thing?

    I’d take someone who’s successfully run an organization in the new economy but never run for office(Whitman) over a guy who’s only ever run for office and has no experience outside Washington (Biden).

    Luckily, we have Romney, who’s done both.

  16. rsmitty says:

    Damn it. Sometimes I really do f*ck up my comments.

    Yes, SOMEtimes. Grrrr…..

    Sad thing is, I knew that, too, but I opted to be a little bitch about it and screwed up! Gaaah!

  17. Von Cracker says:

    Mike, Biden had the best approve/disapprove differential with Indies…something like +18%, whereas HRC was at the bottom with -8% or so….

  18. cassandra m says:

    Running an organization in the new economy = a whole new set of rich friends to transfer tax dollars to.

    How exciting.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    I think Bu$hCo destroyed the meme that the US Gov’t is tantamount to a corporation.

    We need a president, not a CEO. Presidents place people around them to recommend and implement budgetary matters, same thing with military. A leader should be surrounded by the best minds in whatever particular matter, be it economic, energy, military…..

    The GOP somehow got into the ether that the government is a business. It’s not.

  20. DPN says:

    I’ve seen business people run institutions into the ground. I’ve see a president run the government into the ground.

    I’ve grown tired.

  21. cassandra m says:

    We know it is not a business because he gave away tons of money, didn’t care about revenues and increased the size of the operation. ALOT. And the first thing that we know about repubs running government is that shareholders (taxpayers) are never the people they are accountable to for value or decent management.

  22. FSP says:

    George Bush was never a successful CEO. Nowhere near the level of Romney or Whitman.

  23. Likewise, FSP, George Bush was never a successful president.

  24. Truth Teller says:

    All Mitt did was break up companies and lay people off. The best jobs today are CEO who are failures you get fired and take 135 million dollars as a going away gift F@#K the stock holders.

  25. FSP says:

    Truth Teller — Do you ever tell the truth?

    Romney started Staples. Staples now employs 70,000 people, more than the largest industry in Delaware – the state government.

    Go argue with a 4th grader and bone up on your skills.

  26. FSP says:

    “Likewise, FSP, George Bush was never a successful president.”

    And yet, here in The Bubble, they’re ready to fill the Oval Office with an inexperienced candidate with no record of success yet again. It’s like they haven’t learned.

  27. Von Cracker says:

    It’s a pretty big bubble!

    I’ll take wisdom over age any day of the week, fsp.

  28. mike w. says:

    Again. Other than not voting for the Iraq resolution what “wisdom” has Obama shown?

  29. Von Cracker says:

    I’m not going to proselytize; it’s just my assessment.

  30. Mike? Really? AS if standing up against the war wasn’t huge? When all those other people stood up and marched right along with the GOP? Only like 4000 lives could have been saved. (american ones) A few hundred billion.

    but you still need something else….

    As if the guy sailed through life on the easy train. He had it made growing up a fatherless black child? A priviliged life he must have led….

    Yet again, you will choose a guy that time and again proves he is out of touch, has had his own share of “criminal” escapades (see Keating 5), left an ill wife for his heiress, voted against the troops, voted against MLK day, voted for the torture bill…called the down economic times psychological, said migrant lettuce pickers make $110k a year…

    Yet you ask VC to prove why Obama is the right guy?

    Show us why your guy is the right guy?

    you are a joke.

  31. Truth Teller says:

    I have been talking with a 4th grader but AL Mc isn’t here tonight. Mitt didn’t invent Staples he just invested in it all his other adventures was slash and burn. his record in mass is a complete failure look at his health care plan. Besides all you rtepuks would never support a man of his Faith.

  32. FSP says:

    “Besides all you rtepuks would never support a man of his Faith.”

    I didn’t realize I was dealing with a class 5 idiot. I ran his campaign in Delaware.

    “Mitt didn’t invent Staples he just invested in it all his other adventures was slash and burn.”

    And I can keep rolling out the examples. In 1998, Domino’s Pizza was in the toilet. Enter Mitt Romney and now there’s another 70,000 jobs, not to mention the 2000+ franchisees.

    “his record in mass is a complete failure look at his health care plan.”

    Turned around a $3 billion deficit without raising tax rates. Schools ranked #1 in the nation. And the health care plan has enrolled 350,000 new people, regardless of how his successor has tried to screw it up.

    Keep ’em coming. I can go all day.

  33. domino’s pizza jobs? wow, almost as good as walmart jobs. nothing like adding 70000 minimum wage jobs with no benefits.

    keep em coming…I can go all day

  34. FSP says:

    We’d be better without those jobs? Not to mention the thousands of franchisees, managers, etc?

    Should all those jobs go away, Mr. Not So Hot?

  35. mike w. says:

    Doesn’t matter FSP – DBB thinks corporations and big business are evil.

  36. mike w. says:

    Well of course. Silencing political opposition is fine and dandy as long as liberals and “The One” are trying to silence “evil conservative hate speech.”

    At least that’s what the Delaware Liberal crowd tells us.

  37. Ted says:

    VEEP Debates Q&A

    QUESTION: How will Sarah Palin do in a debate with Joe Biden?

    ANSWER: How many men watching will be aware that Biden is in the room?