Drinking Liberally
I was one of the original members of the Drinking Liberally chapter in Philadelphia, since I work up there and it is easier for me to attend on a weekly basis. With Philadelphia being the capital of the Liberal Blogosphere (due to the number of nationwide liberal bloggers residing there), I got to meet a number of well read people from the start. Atrios, Susie Madrak, Booman, Joe Trippi, etc., etc.
Last week, MTV stopped by. Here’s their video (yeah, the guy with the “pet” rat is a freak who was only there that one time, I swear):
We do need to grow Drinking Liberally in Delaware, at the very least by having it meet weekly rather than monthly. And I do think we need to pick a permanent location for it. What do you all think about that? Further, do you think we should have two chapters in Northern Delaware, one for Newark and one for Wilmington? Or would you rather stick with one?
Weekly works in philly because all those guys (save you) live within walking distance.
I hate to be a naysayer, but weekly would be tough in DE.
Weekly works in philly because all those guys (save you) live within walking distance.
Not to mention, when I used to work up there (pre-children), most of the people that went to bars after work were also childless, and in some cases, spouseless. BIG BIG difference.
As one of the organizers of Drinking Liberally here in DE, I too think weekly would be tough, but I can see the appeal of sticking to one location. The problem with that is we are so spread out and there really isn’t much that is convenient to everyone.
Thats why I chose Stewart’s for this month, it is between Newark and Wilmington (that and the great beer of course).
That being said, I am definitely open to all options. I would like to see Drinking Liberally be as popular with the common folk as it is with the bloggers and campaign workers…
Don’t know where Stewart’s is, but isn’t the next Drinking Liberally on the night Obama accepts? Would most of the usual Drinking Liberally suspects be at the Obama party at Joe’s that night?
More than once per month seems tough right now, but would expect that if it grows the way DD would like, it would organically create some pressure to meet either more often or to have regular meeting venues in each county.
Why don’t we just have it at Jason’s house? Centrally located, he buys, comfortable atmosphere, he buys, his wife is way better looking than he is, he buys, etc.
Joes Crab House Riverfront, Thrus night…7:00 free food….Celebration of Obama/Biden…free should get some of your attention.
Weekly will alienate a mainstream liberal w/ responsibilities of family etc….Twice a month may be nice…Say week 1 North…week 3 South…hence 2 different sites, but 2 chances a month to get together. All those in favor of Joanne’s (Venus in transition)plan just say so…cuz I went to get out!!!!! And Geek takes too long to pull the trigger on this stuff!!! And all this from a liberal Republican!!!!
Why don’t we just have it at Jason’s house? Centrally located, he buys, comfortable atmosphere, he buys, his wife is way better looking than he is, he buys, etc.
People can spill out onto his deck and….no, wait, you actually need a deck for that. He’s only been building it for a year-and-a-half now.
Hey–I submitted a comment a long time ago and it didn’t appear, even though the comment section said it was already submitted before. GEEEEEEKKK!!!!!!!
Damn you woman, I have a life outside of planning your next outing!!!
Stewarts — the Highlander Stout is #1.
Geez Geek–Good thing I’m not counting on you to get a room painted!!!!