Lee (sic)/Copeland Insurance Plan Questioned
Matt Denn’s response to Charlie Copelan’s so-called insurance plan in which Delaware residents are encouraged to buy health insurance from fly-by-night out of state providers is brilliant:
“The first person who purchase a policy from a Florida insurer under the Lee(sic)/Copeland plan and learns that they can choose between a pediatrician in Orlando or Tallahassee will not be please”
On a related note: This story continues the running DE GOP ruse that Bill Lee is alive somewhere. Here is my email to Ginger Gibson, who filed the story.
I have a quick question regardng your story on Pg B3 of todays’s paper. Did you talk to Bill Lee directly when you were preparing the story? Do you have any first hand evidence that Bill Lee is actually alive? Nobody has seen him for a while and I am getting the feeling that the Delaware GOP is up to some kind of “Weekend at Bernies” type shenanigans.
Perhaps you could research this, as I’m sure News Journal readers would be eager to read about how Charlie Copeland and Dave Burris work the life sized meat puppet that once contained Bill Lee.
Delaware liberal
Semantics, but why is there a [sic] on Lee and not a [sic] on “perchass?”
My bad.
Nice to see Denn has resorted to the low road in that he assumes there will be no checks in place for that. While working for a former employer, I had BC/BS based out of NW PA. We were their ONLY client east of Harrisburg. However, because of the BC/BS network, my plan was accepted throughout DE.
This is not about having individuals suddenly being able to afford health insurance because Bill Lee lets them buy from out of state.
This is about allowing employers to replace their current insurance plans with cheaper junk insurance unregulated by Delaware law.
um…aren’t you regulated here if you cover here?
That’s an actual question, not snark.
Isn’t there a federal law banning the sale of health insurance across state lines? I know there was federal legislation that would have ALLOWED it a few years ago. It’s hard to understand why the feds would need to pass a law to do something if states can already do it.
Just wondering.
I work in NJ, live in DE. I have BC/BS of NJ. You should see the looks I get when I present that card in Delaware. Lots of confusion. Lots of phone calls. Lots of fun.
I like the simpler, gReed plan. All the companies just pay him. Much easier to understand.
Denn is being marvelously disingenuous here. He knows that’s not how it works.
Has anyone but Burris seen Lee? Is he the Harvey of the DE GOP?
The guy had a press conference, didn’t he?
Did he?
No response from Ginger yet.
He was at the Peach Festival. In the parade and walking around. His booth was buried down Cass St with the rest of us, but he did get around.
No, Burris and Copeland were NOT at either side, propping him up.
#9 is right. Denn is well aware of how this plan operates. He’s even voiced support for the concept in the past. But, really, what CAN he say with his miserable track record on the subject?
The purchase across of insurance across state lines comes down to this fact:
‘An insurance company that chose to be regulated under Arizona law could sell policies in New York without following New York rules. Arizona, like most states, lets companies charge what they want to people who are sick—or simply deny them coverage altogether.’
The proposal which Lee picks up from a Think Tank did not move through Congress. In Delacare we allow all insurance companies ( in or out of state) to bid for our business on our basic plan which provides good coverage and choice.
The over the state line logic is mostly an academic proposal which fails to address a much more detailed challenge.
John Carney is a fraud and a liar. This morning in his debate with Jack, he spoke about a “single payer plan” developed by Susan Swan of Georgetown. The fool refused to permit Dr. Floyd McDowell to even speak to his stacked with special interests on his Del. Health Commission. If he supports single payer why didn’t he sign on to SB 177? He then says Jacks plan was developed from Mass, my plan was developed here in Delaware! What a fraud. Carney knows that only single payer can bring down the costs of health care and cover everyone, he knows that the Doctors/Nurses in this State including the Medical Society ALL support single payer and have embraced SB 177.
Is Carney in a fog! Does he realize that citizens (28 statewide organizations and 18 legislators support single payer). Single payer is the only plan that has been highly scrutinized by 3 independent study groups all who supported ONLY single payer.
Carney has lied so many times about health care in Delaware I wouldnt believe anything he says. If he really was interested in doing something about it, why was he so afraid to let McDowell present his plan? Why did Carney hide the results of the independent consultants from the legislators. What a fraud.
The answer: Carney has obviously been hearing from the citizens who want single payer and he wants to address it as if he is a supporter! Don’t believe it. He wants to keep this same ole “sicko” for profit system giving insurance companies 40% of those funds right off the top just for pleasure of doing business. Give it up Carney on this issue, you loose.
Protack your plan has not been reviewed by anyone except you.