Program Note
We know how this is going to go, so…
No more “gun” talk in 5…4…3…2…1.
Why not discuss how Iraq? There is a war on you know.
he Iraqi government is making it clear: no prior conditions for a US withdraw, no consideration of “conditions” on the ground, no “residual force” left in Iraq to train the Iraqi troops. All US soldiers must be gone by the end of 2011. Not a single one should remain. They all should just leave.
The Iraqi government has given the only reason that matters for their position: viz., it’s their country and they have the right to show us the door. – Delawarewatch
I’ll trade our Blue Dog Dems for two dozen moderate Iraqi legislators, and a ship full of Pakistani lawyers.
I’ll even throw in Lieberman.
Let’s not forget that Biden was for the war before he was against it, and he wanted to partition Iraq, an Idea that was seriously unpopular among Iraqi’s.
And the key thing for Biden is that he did reconsider his vote and talk about it as a mistake especially given the spectacular incompetence of BushCo in prosecuting the war. Biden did was HRC would not and acknowledged his mistake in voting Yes on the AUMF.
Iraq already has a soft partition the looks like the Biden plan. Forcing them into it is not a great idea, but none of us should be surprised if these groups operate and finally codify that kind of split.
Bush, Maliki and Obama are all agreed on a timeline and a need for troops to be gone from the area. McCain is still hanging out there for whatever he counts as “victory”.
FYI – Bush oil buddies are already cutting different deals with different regions CONTRARY to current Bush policy.
As for Obama and Biden I think it is pretty obvious that all the progress that has been made in Iraq this year is a direct result of the Dems pushing the withdrawal issue.
I don’t care who gets credit though. I just want us out of Iraq.
“As for Obama and Biden I think it is pretty obvious that all the progress that has been made in Iraq this year is a direct result of the Dems pushing the withdrawal issue. ”
Really? because the one thing we did differently was the Surge, which the Dems eagerly claimed wouldn’t work.
BTW – I want us out of Iraq as well. If The Iraqi’s want us out by 2011 then we need to be out by 2011
No. It wasn’t the surge, that is pretty obvious.
Maliki is threatening to disband (and stop paying) the Sunni Awakening. And the NYT also documents the Iraqi government threatening to bring down the Sunnis, which doesn’t exactly sound like any working surge to me.
mike w on Aug 26: Let’s not forget that Biden was for the war before he was against it
mike w on Feb 2: Oh, and as far as Iraq is concerned. I’m so sick of people saying we had no authority to go in.
You really don’t care what Biden did or didn’t do . . . you’re just typing to type.
No VP pick could have swayed you to vote for Obama, so what’s the fucking point. You are simply a troll.
Mikie go back and see what Mcsame and Bush said what reason the Surge would result in. It hasn’t happened therefor the surge did not work to obtain the original objective
You are simply a troll.
Welcome to the reality-based community, DPN! We won’t tell anyone you’re here, if you like… 😉
“mike w on Feb 2: Oh, and as far as Iraq is concerned. I’m so sick of people saying we had no authority to go in.”
And I still stand by that February comment on my blog.
And Nemski – I was making a point about Biden. As far as voting for Obama. You’re right. You couldn’t pay me to vote for that man.
Mike…everyone has a price. Even you.
True, but I doubt anyone’s going to be paying me millions for my vote.
Nemski – I still stand by that entire February 2nd post.
Mike, telling us that Biden originally supported the Iraq Resolution was not an “emperor has no clothes” moment.
Either you think that we are too stupid not to know this fact (which would make you more stupid that us or a liar) or you are the “obvious troll”.
“Either you think that we are too stupid not to know this fact.”
Hey, it came out of your mouth not mine. Feeling a little insecure Nemski?
As usual you quote only what you want to.
Either you think that we are too stupid not to know this fact (which would make you more stupid that [sic] us or a liar)
Maybe because it was nonsense and wasn’t even gramatically correct.
I’m happy to be a troll in your eyes Nemski.
wasn’t even gramatically correct.
What can I say? I was channelling DV.
so true.
“No more gun talk”
So you’re not going to offer your suggestions on how to address the violence in Wilmington?
Markell’s “solutions” are junk. One is naive and completely idiotic, one is a “solution” to a problem that’s been proven not to exist, one already exists at the Federal level, and another is arguably unconstitutional and shouldn’t be supported by an anti-Bush liberal. (at the very least it goes against the spirit of the 4th Amendment)
The only one that makes sense is reporting of illegal guns seized from juveniles and having ATF traces done on them to see if they’ve been used in crime. Then again, that’s something the cops should already be doing because it’s their job. If they’re not already doing so then it’s a police competency issue and not a law/public policy issue.