Filed in National by on August 26, 2008

How important is the convention to all the “regular” voters?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    well as a ‘constipated’ voter, i just don’t know….nyuck, nyuck


  2. JohnnyX says:

    In every presidential election prior to this one where I was eligible to vote (which admittedly isn’t many considering I turned 18 in 1999) I would have classified myself as a “regular” voter. And I paid no attention whatsoever to the convention, couldn’t tell you where they were or who spoke or anything.

    That being said, neither one of those elections was nearly as publicized or as contentious as this one. It was pretty much a foregone conclusion that Al Gore was the candidate in 2000, and there (sadly) wasn’t really a major opposition to Kerry in 2004 either. The Clinton / Obama storyline may have interested some “regular voters” enough that they might pay some attention to the convention this time around.

    Then again, maybe not. I can tell you I’m pretty sure that the “regular voters” I know best – my wife, sister, and parents – probably don’t even realize that the convention is going on right now, and if they do I highly doubt any of them will make a point of watching it.

  3. Stella Bluez says:

    Back in 1980 I had just graduated college…..I was starting my career, planning a wedding, buying my 1st house, you know….doing the do…..

    and only now, 28 yrs later do I realize what went down at the DNC that year…..I had NO clue what was going on between Carter & Kennedy….& I considered myself a strong Democrat…..how did I miss all that?? (lack of 24/7 news for starters).

    There are plenty of “real” people out there paying not a bit of attention to all this….

  4. Dana says:

    We only wish that the voters paid attention to us bloggers, and the parties only wish that the voters paid attention to their conventions.

    I’d guess that, unless something really stupid happens, the conventions don’t do much at all.

  5. meatball says:

    What convention?

  6. Not Brian says:

    Regular? Do do you get to vote twice or something?

    Can’t speak for the rest of us unwashed masses, but it is a soap opera. It hero warship. It is a commercial…

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Shoulda gotten the ShamWoW guy to be the keynote then…

  8. Not Brian says:

    No, we get Larry King instead and all the the other talking heads running around all week making news out of non-news.

    I’d take the ShamWow tool!

    If anyone missed John Stewart tonight there was a GREAT piece with John Oliver talking to PUMAs!

  9. G Rex says:

    I remember my parents taking a TV up to the cabin in ’76 to watch the convention; that’s the only time we’ve ever had one there. I was 9 years old at the time, so I don’t remember what was so important about it, but I’m guessing that the floor vote actually mattered back then. Now it’s just a coronation ceremony.