Philly Wins in 13th Inning

Filed in Sports by on August 27, 2008

PHILADELPHIA — Forget the myriad details that preceded the final exhilarating moment when the Phillies, gasp, somehow actually won Tuesday’s game, a triumphant 8-7, 13-inning win over the Mets in five hours and 17 minutes.

To the front of your memory, let the image of Chris Coste lacing a game-winning single over a drawn-in outfield — and the mob scene that followed — sit for the next half-day. Now realize these teams are scheduled to do this again Wednesday.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (5)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    And I will be there. WooHoo!

  2. rsmitty says:

    Geek: bastard.

  3. arthur says:

    kendrick really needs to throw well tonight. needing to score 8 runs to win wont help during the next month, especially as cold weather approaches.

  4. JohnnyX says:

    It was an incredible game last night. I had turned it off in disgust in favor of the convention after it went 7-0, only to tune back in later when it was 7-5…and by the time it made it into extras I was glued to the TV.

    Anybody else think watching Brett Myers “pinch hit” was some of the funniest stuff ever? He looked about as comfortable up there as mike w. at a gun control conference.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Myers was doing that ‘little league’ move to draw a walk. It was funny as shit.

    The expressions on the NY carpetbaggers were priceless – “Ohs noes, not again!”