Delaware Liberal

A “special comment” from Mrs. Hotviti

John Carney is an ASSHOLE!!!
Now let me tell you why.

I want to start this by saying I know very little about politics, I leave all that up to donviti (or whatever he’s titled himself these days) Anyway, so donviti and I decide to go to Joe’s last night to see what the Obama/Biden rally was all about. After being there for alittle bit donviti says “look there’s Jack Markell and John Carney,” and over walks Jack Markell. (I’ll get to my experience about him in a minute), but no Carney. Hmmmmm…. is that weird?? didn’t really think much of it at the time.

Now LG comes to the event (kind of when the evening was coming to an end) and bs’d with us for a little bit. Interestingly, John Carney approaches him (which I didn’t know was him until later b/c when donviti pointed him out earlier I thought he was someone else), shakes his hand and starts talking with him. No acknowledgment whatsoever that donviti and I were even standing there. donviti tries to make a few funnies (note the word TRIES) but again no acknowledgment that donviti had even said anything, he was completely ignored. Again remember I didn’t know it was Carney and thought it was a friend of LG’s b/c he wasn’t saying anything to us b/c he didn’t know us.

A few people came over and asked to have a picture taken with him. He rushed away so fast you could see fire coming from his feet. He didn’t say goodbye have a good night, fu, nothing, just left, and the best part is he never even came back to talk w/ us.

I turn to donviti and said “Who was that.” He looks puzzled and said “John Carney.” I shrugged it off like oh well. It wasn’t until later when he asked me what I thought about each of the candidates that I really thought about this experience. Carney never said hello, never looked at me at all, never once acknowledged I was standing right in front of him. Basic social skills, right? Say hi to people you approach, is that asking too much of someone who is supposedly wanting to be governor of Delaware. I don’t think so. So my question is do I want someone representing me, having my voice, when he can’t even acknowledge I exist when I was standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! Absolutely not!!!! FU Carney.

Now my experience with Jack Markell was completely different. He approaches donviti and I, says hello and introduces himself. Jack turns to me shakes my hand, asks my name and what I did for a living. Made some talk with me about it, and hey who knew his mother and I share the same profession. Then turned to donviti and talked with him a bit. Now, do I think he’ll remember my name or even care what I did for a living, no, but at that moment he was interested in what I had to say. My voice was heard. Thank you Jack Markell, You will definitely have my vote.

For the record Markell asked me about my job and “who are you” on the blog. I introduced myself as with Delawareliberal to both candidates. Markell new of us and seemed happy to talk with us. I actually let him go from the conversation b/c I know how I can yap.

I also introduced myself sort of to Carney. Geek introduced me as a friend to Carney. He barely acknowledged and was more focused on eating his free muscles than wanting to talk to the three of us. Maybe it was the Markell sticker’s my wife and I were wearing…

Or maybe it was the fact that he had to talk to the criminal running for office….NO NOT ATKINS! Tom Gordon. It was nice to see the governor hob knobbing with better half of the Gordon/Freeberry duo that practically sunk NCCO.

I won’t say FU Carney, I will just say, I got Jack’s back.

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