Delaware Liberal

Sarah Palin won’t help McCain

And you know why?

 Because women, just like minorities, aren’t interchangeable!

 You can’t switch out Hillary Clinton for Sarah Palin, just like you can’t appease Obama supporters with Alan Keyes.  But you guys don’t get it, and frankly, I find McCain’s pick insulting.  But maybe that’s just me… so I made a few calls to Hillary supporters who are still a little raw.

Guess what?  They’re insulted as well.

Guess what else?  Democrats didn’t begin this race saying we must run a woman or a minority.   Hillary and Obama were the best candidates who just happened to be female and a minority. Whereas, if McCain wasn’t in such dire straits Palin would have never been considered. Oh yeah, this is the ultimate Hail Mary pass, as well as the ultimate insult to Hillary supporters. It just begs the line: I know Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a friend of mine. You, Sarah Palin, are no Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, I wouldn’t count on wooing the female vote with anti-choice Palin. We’re a lot smarter than McCain gives us credit for. Oh, I’m really starting to love this VP pick!

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