Filed in National by on August 30, 2008

Based on the recent surprise pick for republican VP, what post in the Executive branch do you now feel you qualify for?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Johnny Longtorso says:

    I drive a lot, so I think I would be an excellent secretary of transportation.

  2. John Feroce says:

    As the Democratic nominee that’s easy…President

  3. MJ says:

    Secretary of Defense. I’d outlaw all chain link fences as my first act. 🙂

  4. Dana says:

    I meet all of the constitutional requirements for President: over 35 and a natural-born American citizen — which might be more than your guy can prove! 🙂

    Well, our inexperienced nominee is running for vice president, where she’ll have a chance to learn more; your inexperienced guy is running for president!

    Though John McCain sort of hurt his use of the experience theme, y’all really don’t want to go that route either.

  5. Call It says:

    I’m fantastic at cleaning toilets. Just ask my fiance!

  6. Graniaclewbay says:

    I’ll take HUD Secty, based on the fact I spend most of my day getting people who have been displaced some housing in this godforsaken state.

  7. Joe M says:

    I’ll be Secretary of Defense because I’m sure I can make a mess of wars.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    Perhaps I can be Secretary of State. I used to live in Buffalo, NY and have visited Canada multiple times. I’ve also been to Germany, the Czech Republic and China. Unlike McCain, I know the difference between Sunni and Shi’a and I know that Putin is now the Prime Minister of Russia. I don’t qualify for VP though – I’m not involved with the PTA.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for me.

    History would call my term, “Settling Scores — Or I Got Your Judicial Activism Right Here”

    All you Intelligent Design types are forewarned. And you people with the spying on Americans — don’t make me come over there.

  10. jason330 says:

    In a Democratic administration I could probably be the guy who empties the recycling bin in the Old Executive Office Building.

    In a McCain adminstration I would not be satisfied with anything lower than Vice President.

  11. From where I sit... says:

    I’m torm between wanting to serve with the #9 Supremes
    Joining with #3 (Secretary of Defense) to help with in doing away with the fence and Nationial Transportation Safety department….no more searches at the air port!!!!!

    YES WE CAN!!!!!!!

  12. Von Cracker says:

    Secretary of the Interior because I know gay people who have a good eye for window treatments and Feng Shui

    I might be able to get a deal on some too!

    …oh wait, not that type of Interior?….

  13. From where I sit... says:

    I’m torm between wanting to serve with the Supremes #9
    Joining with #3 to join in doing away with the fence and Nationial Transportation Safety department….no more searches at the air port!!!!!

    #3 Secretary of Defense. I’d outlaw all chain link fences as my first act.

  14. DPN says:

    I’ll be the FEMA Director because I want to learn about Arabian horses.

  15. Joanne Christian says:

    Yea..One of the Supremes…I like that…it’s got a beat..I can dance to it..and I think that would make a fabulous outfit…but we need one more girl…..

  16. Rebecca says:

    I’ll take Home Land Security because I can think of at least 87 ways to aggravate American citizens while stomping all over their civil rights and not actually doing, you know, anything to make us more secure. Oh, and I’m really good at spending money.

  17. MJ says:

    I welcome #11 to work with me. And I’d love to help with the decorating Von Cracker.