Another Built in Republican Advantage
Yesterday I said that the Republicans have a built in advantage over Democrats because they are disciplined partisans who would vote for Satan (R) is he was running against Jesus (D).
Another advantage they have is that they think nothing of brazenly lying if they think it will advance their cause.
Democrats feel constrained by the truth. To make matters worse, the truth is infrequently black & white, but there is often nuance and depth to the truth that makes it hard to explain in one or two flippant sentences.
“that they think nothing of brazenly lying…..Democrats feel constrained by the truth.”
Just a little self-righteous today, are we?
“they are disciplined partisans who would vote for Satan (R) is he was running against Jesus (D).”
This is where I could make a petty remark about democrats not voting for Christ even if there was a D next to his name.
I think a safer statement is that all politicians bend the truth to their aims, but the (D)s have a history of telling lies we can deal with far better than the (R)s. I expect a man to lie about getting an extramarital hummer. I will not accept a lie that violates my constitutional rights or gets my kid killed in an unjust war of choice.
Jesus would never be a D.
Why do you think he smote you the last two elections?
Sad part is, you still won’t get it after the third.
Jesus is the ultimate (D). And those past elections were smitten by Satan (R). Just sayin’
You know what??? Uh-Uh.
Jesus don’t poison and suck out the brains of babies.
Democrats do.
Who got smoted in those elections? I believe it was the Ds!
The majority of Repugs do not think for themselves. You know as well as I do that those folks do whatever their told. Whether it’s the pulpit, Rush/Faux News or scary mailings (the gays are going to take over your world…on no!!!).
There is an extraordinarily large base of conservatives that simply do not think for themselves….
& these people are very easy to SCARE into doing whatever the Repugs (Rove) want them to do….
The D’s have no such control…..
I think, therefore…..I am not Republican….
As to the question – is Jesus a Democrat or Republican?
Anyone with the slightest awareness of the ministry of Jesus knows that he was sent here to sacrifice himself and teach the jews a little about worrying about their own sins and not everyone else’s. And, along the way take care of the widows, orphans, poor and downtrodden.
Does that sound Republican to anyone?
There is at least the possibility with Republicans, though there are some who do not aspire to such grand perfection.
Regardless, all Democrats are stained by salted fetal blood. It is in the platform you stand upon.
If you should change this, you would be overwhelmed by the rush to join. You’d carry 80% of the electorate every time. Even if you just spun off the babykillers into a third party, you’d stand at 50% to everyone else’s 25% max.
This leads me to believe Democrats are dumb as well as immoral.
Republicans have abortions too….or put it this way: “All abortions are wrong, except for mine.”
But a fool would be the person who votes against their economic and social interests solely due to an issue that does not affect their life in any way….
No amount of money or personal freedom can justify that sin.
Wait wait . . . this is funny.
Here are the themes for the 4 nights of the Republican Convention.
1. Service
2. Reform
3. Prosperity
. . . . wait for it . . .
. . . . it’s huge . . .
4. Peace
Oh god, I can’t stop laughing.
1. I’m a POW
2. Overturn Roe v Wade
3. Tax Cuts for the Rich
4. War
Thermos, why don’t you stop worrying about abortion and go help the sick and the poor.
That would be too hard, DPN.
It’s much easier to scream at others about the unknowing damnation from SkyDad.
I find your ire funny. At least we admit we scream at others!
Well, I thought the previous post in this theme was the largest pile of steaming, self-serving, self-righteous bullshit I have ever seen left on the front page of this site.
I am proud to admit it: I was wrong. This particular post takes the cake. And the baker. And bakery.
Of course, I am not sure which is more amusing… the sheer quantities of excrement this post represents, or the amazing amount of irony built in to it.
They think nothing of brazenly lying because the media dutifully just writes down what they say as if it were gospel. Fact-checking is thin on the ground and they all too often just rely on just giving two sides a voice to pretend to some fairness. Two sides screaming talking points at each other with no fact checking, no context has no utility to the folks who need to consume this information.
In other words, they lie because they can get away with it.
Jesus would probably be neither a D or and R Give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar’s and Give unto GOD what is GOD’s
Yes, Jesus would be a Zombocrat.
Leviticus 27:6
numbers 3:15
Republicans like Hube, joke about Obama being the promised one, calling him the Messiah.
Democrats likewise, joke about McCain being Satan, for his intertwined contacts with lobbyists, neocons, and gl0bal corporations, all of who care little about the welfare of Americans…..
Kidding aside, if the choice comes down to voting for either Satan or the Messiah, if you love America, there can only be one correct choice.