Happy Labor Day

Filed in National by on September 1, 2008


h/t suburbanguerrilla

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    In Delaware Unions get a well deserved bad rap because of their shortsighted leadership that bends over backwards whenever Valero says it is going to hire 50 men or someone proposes a new sprawl based housing development.

    On the whole, eveyone who works (blue collar or no) owes a huge debt to organized labor.

  2. FSP says:

    “On the whole, eveyone who works (blue collar or no) owes a huge debt to organized labor.”

    Absolutely. Up until about the mid-90’s, labor was a force that lifted many people up and responded responsibly to management abuse.

    However, when they shifted their focus from private sector labor-management issues to public sector infiltration, they turned into one of the great cancers government has ever seen.

  3. From where I sit... says:

    J. could you afford the comment?

    “On the whole, eveyone who works (blue collar or no) owes a huge debt to organized labor.”

    Instead of making snide comments and giving left handed compliments how about a history of organized labor….especially in re: those brave men, women, AND children who shed their blood and gave their lives protesting inhumane working conditions in the coal mines, steel mills, and plants across this country.

    Think organized labor everytime us use your health care coverage, enjoy your 40 hour work week, and many benefits too numerous to mention.

    Oh, yes, and “Happy Labor Day ” to you and all DL readers.

  4. cassandra m says:

    Have mercy, Dave — government workers started having their own unions back in the 1930’s and even the prevailing wage requirements started in the 1930’s.

    Really, you have no where else to peddle this BS? Where folks may actually not know any better?

  5. Benjamin says:

    In completely unrelated news I wanted to snark about with my friends on DL, 17yo Bristol Palin is pregnant.

    Another shining success of abstinence-only education.

  6. FSP says:

    I didn’t say there were no government unions. I said they shifted their focus. Do you even read what I write, or do you just see that it’s me and assume?

    And I know all about the racist beginnings of prevailing wage. Don’t get me started.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    In which case you are back to your GWB gibberish — how then, are unions just now infiltrating the public sector they’ve been organized in and employed by since the 30’s?

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    From Where I sit–Not Brian gave a wonderful history of this under Hef’s earlier posting of what Labor Day means to me….Sorry I don’t know how to do the whole computer link bit….