Obama to His Supporters: Lay Off
From ABCNews:
“Let me be a clear as possible: I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people’s families are off limits,” Obama said, “and people’s children are especially off limits.
“This shouldn’t be part of our politics,” he continued, “It has no relevance to Gov. Palin’s performance as governor, or her potential performance as a vice president.
“And so I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories,” he said. “You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and, you know, teenage children, that shouldn’t be the topic of our politics and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that’s off limits.”
Point taken (at least by me).
I love this man!
me? Thanks. Don’t tell Mr. Pandora.
Damn. Fucking. Straight.
Thanks for that find lg.
I love the mention of his own mom.
I dont think I knew she was that young and it makes it all the more classier
Wow, it looks like Obama is ashamed of the people that brought this up as “news”.
Look, I’ve been pretty clear in my stance that kids are off the table. I am so proud of my candidate, and so – I bet – is Steve Newton. 😉
LG, what happens at DL stays at DL!
Obama is classy. McCain is decidedly unclassy by trying to blame this on Obama. These rumors had been circulating for a while. DailyKos did not make them up, although they publicized them. The whole situation is very unfortunate but it is out in the public sphere now, and it is not going away.
Good move on his part. I may agree with going after these lunatics, but politically speaking, it’s not very smart.
Wow, it looks like Obama is ashamed of the people that brought this up as “news”.
Wasn’t this news announced by Gov. Palin?
But snarkiness aside, we don’t need to be talking about this. There are better resons on which to base our votes.
Failin Palin lied to the McCain people, they didnt know she had all this baggage…not vetted properly. They will have a heard time selling that “bridge to nowhere” argument, since the Alaskan newspapers have reported her real positions. In fact, she went to the government seeking earmarks to build the “bridge”.
They didn’t no about the pregnant daughter either….think they are really busy cleaning up today, and preparing the spin for tomorrow.
About gorramed time your Messiah sat on the morons who started, perpetuated, and spread these series of pointless, hateful, despicable rumors and utter fabrications. In all reality, it is none of your business, none of his business, none of my business, and none of anyone else outside the family’s business, and that is simply that.
Not entirely, Linoge. There is a line of sound reasoning that shows that McCain hadn’t really vetted her. There are people that won’t vote for her since her daughter had this lapse. There are people that won’t vote for McCain because he makes rash decisions.
Me? Well I have lots of reasons not to vote for them and these two issues aren’t even in the top 100.
Linoge, these rumors started in Alaska.
McCain didn’t even attempt to vet Palin. Remember the first rule of a VP is to do no harm. This can’t be what the McCain Campaign wants to be talking about.
And now she’s just hired a lawyer for trooper-gate. Oh yeah, McCain is thrilled. Alas, he has no one to blame but himself.
Here’s why Linoge is wrong.
Palin’s made a living out of getting into the business of families. By promoting abstinence-only programs and trying to claim her religious values are better than everyone else’s.
Perhaps if your party wasn’t so interested in what happens in people’s bedrooms and families, this wouldn’t be a story. But it is because you GOPers are.
Indeed. I am heeding my candidate’s directive and laying off. In fact, my earlier post today did not criticize Bristol Palin. It criticized Sarah Palin for her hypocrisy concerning the debate about abstinence and birth control and sex education.
Bristol Palin is and should be off limits. But I don’t see how you can say whole issues of public policy are off limits. We just need to think of a way to discuss them without involving Bristol Palin.
As an aside, these rumors concerning Trig Palin being Bristol’s child did not start on Daily Kos or anywhere in the liberal blogosphere. They started in Alaska, on wingnut radio up there. Yes, these rumors spread to Daily Kos and other sites and were discussed, as rumors often are. I personally did not believe those rumors nor did I engage in any discussion because it all seemed too far fetched to me.
But if we are now to condemn liberal blogs for spreading rumors, then Dave Burris must be tarred and feathered for spreading the rumors about Obama’s birth certificate on Delaware Politics. Indeed, all conservative blogs must be roundly condemned for all of their false rumormongering about whether Obama is a muslim, or whether he does crack, or about whether he is a terrorist, etc.
If you want to condemn liberal bloggers for this fine, but first all of you who were outraged today must condemn the conservative blogosphere and Dave Burris in particular.
Jadegold // Sep 1, 2008 at 5:58 pm
Here’s why Linoge is wrong.
Palin’s made a living out of getting into the business of families. By promoting abstinence-only programs and trying to claim her religious values are better than everyone else’s.
Perhaps if your party wasn’t so interested in what happens in people’s bedrooms and families, this wouldn’t be a story. But it is because you GOPers are.
Well said Jadegold. The GOP Right Wing does NOT believe in privacy, if they did, the would support a family’s right to privately dicide how to handle a pregnancy.
The GOP Right Wing want to poke their puritancial noses into everyone’s life, business and bedroom to perpetuate their christian view of how things should be.
It always amuses me when these people wind up in uncomfortable situations that highlight their hypocracy and then scream about privacy.
I understand Obama’s point, and I respect his wishes –but that does not mitigate the sanctimony of the GOP Right Wing.
With all do respect ot Sen. Obama, his announcement to “lay off” is like locking the barn doors after the horses have gotten out.
Also, I agree with DD, they hasn’t been any attack on Gov. Palin’s daughter. As a matter of fact I think we all wish her the best of luck in the future, because all of us parents know, she is going to need it.
Look the Repuk’s will use this 17 year old child to push their abortion issue. Obama is so right keep the children out of this. He and Joe know how to do the right thing . while MC Same has no qualms to calling his wife the C word in public or laughing at a supporter calling Hillary a Bitch also Plain thought this funny when one of her supporters called her opponent a bitch.
The Republicans better not use Bristol Palin. If they do, all bets are off. If her name appears in one speech at this convention, so help me God….
I never even thought of that! Must have been all that GOP “outrage” today.
liberalgeek: *shrug* At this point, we are just going to have to agree to disagree. Because, the fact of the matter is thus: the actions of Palin’s offspring are not the actions of Palin. While the child in this situation is a minor, Palin is not responsible for the pregnancy. Nor accountable. Nor to blame. The pregnancy is not relevant to Palin’s candidacy, it is not germane, it is not even loosely related to.
If it comes out that Palin has done something, jump all over that all you like – hell, I might even be interested in what it is. But the actions of her child are no one’s business except the child, the father, and the families around them.
Oh well, I guess this is just another symptom of the personal responsibility deficiency that most liberals are afflicted with…
Sorry folks, but McCain and Palin brought her out. Front and center on the stage with the 4month old strapped securely in front of her.
Wolf Blitzer questioned Bob Bennett today who believes the subject is off the table, while Blitzer argued that her “choice” is an issue.
As a mother knowing what it means to have 4 children (she has 5, one a newborn, and now a daughter who will have a newborn, thats a lot of work, struggle and loving. She had all these children but as VP she obviously won’t be caring for them.
Where will her mind be while serving in the White House? Home or work? It will of course be on the home!
John McCain has made a terrible mistake. His judgement can only be viewed as opportunistic, by bringing home a wedge issue that will be front and center of their campaign.
He has been wrong on every foreign policy issue. He has followed Bush blindly enabling him to destroy our military, rob the treasury, cater to special interest over the interst of the people.
This “token” woman with no qualifications will make abortion the topic of discussion as he/she has no other issue to run on.
Just heard that Amy Goodman and other reporters have been arrested today at the RNC.?
Linoge- Sara Palin put her family into the biggest media storm in the world by accepting the offer for VP…….
WTF was she thinking???
She opened this door. You can not expect this voyeuristic country to politely walk away from this….
It’s a damn shame….
She had all these children but as VP she obviously won’t be caring for them.
You can’t possibly know that.
There is a real reason why you may not ask a job candidate about her or his number and ages of children.
This should also apply to political candidates. No one asks McCain, or Obama or Biden what happens to their kids should they achieve the highest offices. I’m betting Liz, that you’ve never had the same doubts for KHN should she win.
Pandora (no internet most of day; so this has been delayed):
I am so proud of my candidate, and so – I bet – is Steve Newton
Yes, I am proud of him. I have always been far more in agreement with him on social issues, which should not surprise anybody.
But I am absolutely glad he made the right choice and made it quickly.
If you read what I have written about Obama over the past few months, I have always found him in many ways an admirable man–I just disagree with him on too many issues.
No, Stella, Palin did no such thing. She put herself in the media spotlight, and more power to her for doing so, but her family is not the entity running for Vice Presidential office – she is.
And, honestly, I bloody well can expect better out of the American people and the liberals amongst them… If we do not start expecting better, we are never going to receive it. It is a damned shame that a large collection of liars, fabricators, and deceivers decided to make something of this situation when it presented itself… you would think the all-accepting, all-tolerating, and all-understanding left would have handled it a little better, nyet?
Liars, fabricators, deceivers…
The litany of ad hominems flows from Linoge like a piece of old Soviet propaganda.
Look, cupcake, when you run for national–or statewide–office, your life is going to go under the microscope. And if you run on an agenda that’s based largely on telling others how they ought to conduct their lives..well, it should behoove you to have your own house in order.
Palin’s ardent support for rapist/child molester’s rights in abortion cases is not fabricated.
“And if you run on an agenda that’s based largely on telling others how they ought to conduct their lives”
The Obama’s sure do a hell of a lot of that.
“you would think the all-accepting, all-tolerating, and all-understanding left would have handled it a little better, nyet?”
You would think. Then again, the far left is anything but “tolerant.” They think they are, but they’re no better than the moral police on the far religious right.
You’re so far out of the realm of reality, Mental Midget Mike…but keep with the accusations – it’s funny.
BTW – Did you choke yourself out yet?