BREAKING: 41 District Strategy In Operation
I just got this awesome email from
Rebecca Young
Hey hey!
As of 2:00 this afternoon I was drafted by the party to run for State Representative from the 22nd District. My name will be on the November ballot to give the good folks in the 22nd District a Choice For A Change. It is part of the party’s effort to oppose the Republicans in all 41 Rep Districts. If we haven’t done it in all, we are pretty close.
I have no illusions about winning and I will not be giving up my other responsibilities to run a strong race. I’ll be a presence in the district and I’ll keep my opponent tied up, but I’m not planning on going to Dover. As Jim Paoli said this afternoon, the worst that can happen is I’ll get elected. ;o)
Anyway, I just had a call from my District Committee chair to commit to my campaign and I’m meeting with Vikki and Karen tomorrow to talk strategy. Gotta make a good show! I’ll make my announcement tomorrow night at the PDD meeting, but I wanted to let you know first ’cause you are my special people.
1) Rebecca is awesome.
2) No quarter will be givin to Republicans whgo have been such a disaster for this state and this country. No more Reoublican incumbents getting free rides.
3) Hell YEAH!!!
Thank you Jason!
I hope all my Delaware Liberal friends will talk to their friends in the 22nd District and let them know there will be a Democrat, a real Democrat, on the ballot in November. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a choice out here in Republican land.
Go, Rebecca!
Perhaps using her last name would help a bit with the name recognition issue for non-insiders…
Woohoo! Go Rebecca!
Get in it to win it Rebecca! I can’t make it to the PDD meetings because its the same night as my Union meetings but I’m still with you.
RY….your’re running w/Jim Paoli on your team? Do not brag about him (or Daniello).Those guys are positively poison. Distancing yourself from the county goon squad should be your first order of business.
Otherwise open government good Democrats like me will skip the race rather than have another Paoli supported candidate elected. It’s bad enough we have to put up with his picks in county government. God knows he doesn’t need a toe hold in Dover.
Good luck Rebecca………..
Rebecca–Appreciate your stand on open government….
Jason–now how about no free rides to incumbent Democrats?
Pretty sure I won’t be voting for Rebecca. Good luck though. It’s certainly cool that you got your name on the ballot.
Why are you pretty sure you won’t be voting for Rebecca? Do you know her platform?
I’m basing my opinion of her and her policy platforms on what I’ve seen from her comments on this site.
I also fundamentally disagree with some of what I’ve seen on the “what be believe” section of Progressive Dems Delaware, which is her linked to site.
mike w you are right. What We Believe on the PDD website is what I believe. I wrote the first draft of that statement right after a visit to the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. I was inspired by our Constitution and the founding fathers as I thought about what PDD’s creed would be. It’s still something I am proud to believe in. Too bad the only part of the Constitution that Republicans believe in is the Second Amendment, and they even get that part wrong. Yeah mike w. you are not a part of my base.
Hockessin Homeboy, obviously you don’t pay close attention to politics. Rebecca has bucked the Party to be one of Markell’s first supporters and co-chair of his committee. She’s the only one in the Party hierarchy who speaks up to Paoli and Daniello and tells them what she thinks.
You’re not an Open Government Democrat or you’d know she’s the strongest proponent of open government you could find.
You just showed your stupidity by not knowing what you’re talking about.
#13 Take a chill pill and don’t miss another another anger management course…you are effin’ out of control.
I am entitiled to my opinion, as you are yours Miss Good /Open Government….remember opinions are like assholes–everyone has one!
Your candidate is BIG enough to take care of herself…and if she’s w/the Goon Squad she’ll have lots of back up. (Come to think of it maybe you’re the newest member of the Goon Squad…there’s certainly no ‘peace, love, joy’ in your comments.). After an entire lifetime of preaching ‘peace’ to anyone who would listen you have sure changed your tune to something that is best described as ‘aggressive’.
Surely, having learned politics, among other things, at the knee of M. S. you don’t expect everyone to rush out and embrace your candidate…..if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.
I am as politically astute as you are. I am not, however, wearing blinders as to what is happening in reality in the Democrat Party . The DE Dem Party has be hi-jacked by thugs of which, I can only assume, your are an active part.
Chill out, girl, it’s only politics 😉
Yeah, anyone hanging with a Paoli can’t be of sound mind. But, I like Rebecca, so I’ll let her go this once!
Hockessin Homeboy reads like an angry, semi-literate loser. Crapping on Rebecca and June, while doing nothing himself.
Hockessin Homeboy or “From Where I Sit” or whatever you want to call yourself, you and I are about to have a serious problem.
Come to think of it maybe you’re the newest member of the Goon Squad…
Right. Is that supposed to be scary or something?
Rebecca has done more to help reform the Democratic party in two years than you could hope to do in the rest of your miserable wannabe life.
Fuck off or get a fucking clue you twit. Concern trolls will not be tolerated.
I love this new phrase “Concern troll.” Have you copyrighted that, Jason?
I can’t claim it. He just sounded like a Republican Joe Mirro stooge spouting off some complete line of bullshit pretending to be more progressive than Rebecca. Rebecca! For christsake.
I hate twits like that.
“He just sounded like a Republican Joe Miro stooge … ”
Funny you should mention it. Did we see HockBoy file against Nick Manolakos? Nick’s the only unopposed GOP representative in New Castle County.
Yeah Hockboy. How ’bout it? Put your money where your stupid, dip shit mouth is.
Too bad the only part of the Constitution that Republicans believe in is the Second Amendment
Yay! Woo! Fling those stereotypes around as part of your platform! That’ll get you all the moderate D’s and R’s you’ll need.
Bitter sarcasm aside (I tend to do that with stereotyping comments intended to be serious), good luck. Politics can be a serious bitch when taken personally, which, unfortunately, is way too easy to do.
There are no friends in politics. There are only voters! Allegiances are made and power bases created. The Carper/Minner/Carney/Conns homeboys need exposure!
We have all had enough of the Delaware Way, they don’t want their power challenged.
I am sure the incumbent is quivering now. Oh boy!
I heard the news last night –good luck Rebecca!
Jim Paoli and John Daniello calling the sky blue does not make it not so.
Jim Paoli asking Rebecca Young to run for state rep does not make her a party goon.
I’m smirking, thinking about what exactly it took for Paoli and Daniello to feel compelled to ask Rebecca to run. There is no question in my mind that she was near the bottom of their list, due to her outspoken progressive views.
Rebecca and the other founders of PDD created PDD specifically to ‘fix’ the party, from the inside, from the grassroots level. This change requires engagement with the party structure. This change does NOT require sacrificing PDD’s principles in this pursuit.
Rebecca sits on the county executive board of the party, at the same table as Paoli. This isn’t an indictment against Rebecca, it is evidence that cracks have begun to show in the party, that it is being forced to confront the dissatisfaction of Delaware Democrats who are fed up with the path the party had been traveling.
Tonight’s PDD meeting will include discussion of how to widen those cracks further, to get the party moving faster in a better direction.
Congrats Rebecca on filing to run. I would like to see us take back the House of Representatives this year. I live down in Dover and there are 2 really close races down here. Bennett vs. Stone and Scott vs. Wagner. I am hoping both Bennett and Scott win. Does anyone else out there feel they will win? Like I do?