Delaware Liberal

BREAKING: 41 District Strategy In Operation

I just got this awesome email from

Rebecca Young


Hey hey!

As of 2:00 this afternoon I was drafted by the party to run for State Representative from the 22nd District. My name will be on the November ballot to give the good folks in the 22nd District a Choice For A Change. It is part of the party’s effort to oppose the Republicans in all 41 Rep Districts. If we haven’t done it in all, we are pretty close.

I have no illusions about winning and I will not be giving up my other responsibilities to run a strong race. I’ll be a presence in the district and I’ll keep my opponent tied up, but I’m not planning on going to Dover. As Jim Paoli said this afternoon, the worst that can happen is I’ll get elected. ;o)

Anyway, I just had a call from my District Committee chair to commit to my campaign and I’m meeting with Vikki and Karen tomorrow to talk strategy. Gotta make a good show! I’ll make my announcement tomorrow night at the PDD meeting, but I wanted to let you know first ’cause you are my special people.



1) Rebecca is awesome.

2) No quarter will be givin to Republicans whgo have been such a disaster for this state and this country. No more Reoublican incumbents getting free rides.

3) Hell YEAH!!!

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