It’s Judgement, stupid

Filed in National by on September 2, 2008

John McCain’s VP pick says more about John McCain than Sarah Palin.


To paraphrase Paul Begala… As Democrats we are thrilled with the Sarah Palin pick.  As Americans we should be terrified.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. delawaredem says:

    I now consider John McCain to be a pathetic and unintelligent figure, whose petulance and stubbornness is unmatched in the known universe.

    In other words, he is George W. Bush.

  2. jason330 says:

    Hey. To be fair, Russia never invaded Alaska when she was Governor. So that is something.

  3. Joe Cass says:

    From WaPo: Paul Kane
    ST. PAUL — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee who revealed Monday that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, earlier this year used her line-item veto to slash funding for a state program benefiting teen mothers in need of a place to live.

    If this woman was vetted I’ll kiss her ass.

  4. Badmon3333 says:

    Gotta give him credit for trying to give the disillusioned Hillary crowd and the average closet racist (don’t underestimate THAT voting bloc… it’s BIG) a minority candidate that still somehow manages to be white.

    Still, pretty foolish… I mean, by this logic, if Rep. Dan Short, who used to be the mayor of Seaford, got elected governor in 2012, he’d be ready for the vice presidency in 20 months? Actually, given his time at Legislative Hall, that would give him MORE political experience than Palin.

    I mean, I like Dan and all, but I’m not about vote him my veep.

  5. mike w. says:

    Badmon – Again with the “experience” card? If Palin isn’t ready to be VP what makes Obama ready to be President?

    He has less experience than Palin.

  6. mike w. says:

    Begala was thrilled with Biden as VP, and I was terrified. He certainly doesn’t speak for me.

  7. pandora says:

    Let’s try this again…

    1. Obama was voted for and nominated by his party, Palin was appointed by McCain

    2. From Nate Silver @
    When a vice president takes over for a president, the nation is necessarily undergoing a crisis, because the death (or resignation) of a president is perhaps as traumatic an event as can reasonably be imagined (in the “best” case resulting from a slowly-developing illness, and the worst, an attack by terrorists or foreign adversaries).

    Palin is McCain’s first Presidential decision.

  8. Liz allen says:

    Palin could end up as McCains, Harriet Myers. Anyone hear Castle today…WDEL, WILM, and probably WGMD. He is obviously worried about Palin.

    McCastle is very worried about the women vote in Delaware. He will be distancing himself from her to try to keep his base.

    This platform is not the republican platform this is neo con MCcains platform. The maverick in 2000 is no longer a maverick just another neo con with a VP candidate who is “extreme” neo con.

    All that talk about Palin not an Independent Party member….the facts are the opposite. They have pictures of her and her husband at their secession meetings. Secession is a treasonous act.

  9. DPN says:

    Palin is McCain’s first Presidential decision.

    And he bushed it.

  10. RAY K> says:

    News Flash; This just in, due to the storm on monday the RNC has added the following events on thursday afternoon.

    1:00 pm to 101 pm, The republican gay pride parade

    1: 02pm to 1:03pm The republicans for workers rights parade.

    1:04pm to 1:05pm the republicans for peace parade.

    1:05pm to 1: o5.25 pm Tribute to George W. Bush parade.

    note; The last event will be cancelled if nobody stays around.

  11. Another Mike says:

    Don’t know if anyone caught Mike Castle on with Jensen today on WDEL, but on his way out he said Palin’s 20 months as governor and term as mayor of Wasilla make her more qualified to be president than Obama’s years as a senator and state legislator. He said that one year as governor is equal to about 15 years as a Congressman.

    The spin machine is on full blast, and Castle’s head was in it.

  12. mike w. says:

    Actually, I agree with Castle. Her experience as Governor is far more applicable to the Presidency than Obama’s scant legislative experience.

    Palin’s experience involved making real decisions with real consequences for her constituents, dealing with the unique infrastructure challenges of AK, managing the state budget etc. etc.

    She had to actually do things more substantive than occasionally propose legislation, take voting positions on bills, or vote “present.”

    Hell, Obama is actually making the claim that he has executive “experience” because he’s had to manage a large campaign staff during his Presidential bid. That’s just laughable, he’s actually counting his campaigning for President as “experience.”

  13. Not Brian says:

    Yes Mike.

    And her education and resume should be considered too. She has a BA in Communications from Idaho state. She won the Miss Wasilla beauty contest while in school too. She worked for a short time as a sports reported for a local Alaska station in 1988… helped out her husband with his fishing business until 1992 when she got on the city council of a town of 6K… She did not even have a passport until last year.

    Obama went to Harvard Law, did community development, and went into politics. They are roughly the same age…

    So tell me, what exactly SHOULD Obama have done? Entered the beauty contest or been a sports reporter? Worked as a fisherman?

  14. Paul says:

    How about if Obama was Mayor of Chicago, or Governor of Illinios? Exactly.

    With Obama’s Community Organizing being so important, I can think of a Dozen qualified Candidates in Wilmington.
    How about Rev Derrick Johnson? Vet him.

  15. Paul says:

    Another Mike,
    The sign on the Mayor’s and the Governor’s desk, reads the Buck stops here.
    In congress, that is where the Pork Barrel is filled.
    The first requires that you are the leader, the second, is where the spoils are divided.

    In Palin’s case, She knows how to make the Moose stop, and serve it for dinner.

  16. liberalgeek says:


    The real issue is that if there is a state that doesn’t prepare you for balancing the budget or any “real” things that an executive does, it’s Alaska. No income tax, and a check cut to you every year. Like a welfare state, actually.

    I wonder if the fact that Alaskans are on the dole makes them fell less human or ashamed to look their kids in the eye…

  17. Paul says:

    SO, Alaskans feel more independent.
    Are more independent.
    They think independent thoughts,
    individually and as a state.

    Your right, it is funny, very funny. LOL

  18. anon says:

    Alaska is 23 years younger than McCain. Next we will told that Alaska has large cities filled with minorities., especially blacks and latinos.

    Right, Alaska population of 600,000 and Delaware with 800,000, the equivalent of Palins’s executive experience to that of New Castle County President.

    No matter how they deny she was not a “member of the sessionist party”, there are pictures, witness’s. Calling for secession is a treaonous offense.

    Its a bus filled with clowns on a clown bus!

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Paul’s drowning in spin. Someone throw a rope…

  20. jason330 says:


    Good point. How dare those Alaskans obstruct oil companies from making as much money as they can! That is downright unAmerican.

  21. Joe Cass says:
    She’s all GOP, disclosure is not so important. Read about Rouge Cou.

  22. Digby says:

    For a guy that is all about change, the messiah really went out on a limb in choosing Biden. Talk about a good-old-boy, DC insider!

    Once again, your messiah is not practicing what he has been preaching!

  23. Joe M says:

    “Hey. To be fair, Russia never invaded Alaska when she was Governor. So that is something.”

    No mean feat when, according to Cindy McCain, Russia is a brisk walk from Russian borders.

    Russians: Yeah… huff huff. we’re invading… huff huff. Can you give us a minute to catch our breath?

  24. cassandra_m says:

    Palin’s 20 months as governor and term as mayor of Wasilla make her more qualified to be president than Obama’s years as a senator and state legislator. He said that one year as governor is equal to about 15 years as a Congressman.

    So Mike Castle is saying that John McCain does not have the experience to be President, either.