McCoward Cancels Interview
John McCain has just cancelled a scheduled live interview on the Larry King Live show on CNN this evening. No doubt, he does not want to endure even a light cross examination about his horrible judgment in picking Sarah Palin as his running mate.
This begs the question: if he cannot handle Larry King, how can he handle anything at all?
UPDATE: The McCain camp is now saying that it is not Mr. McCain’s cowardice that is preventing him from going ahead with the interview, it is his petulance. Apparently, feathers were ruffled by Campbell Brown’s interview of McCain toady, Tucker Bounds. Apparently, no one can dare question anyone in the Republican party about Sarah Palin’s woeful lack of foreign policy expertise.
We need a clock that shows how long McCain has refused to go on CNN…
If McCain is afraid of Larry King–whose toughest question would probably be “mustard or ketchup?”–how can he expect to stand up to the Islamofascists?
What a fucking pussy.
…as is Obama for not going on FOX News. Had to get that in there in case Hube is reading!
Ah, but Mike, Obama did go on Fox News. He was interviewed by Chris Wallace for Fox News Sunday back in June or July.
Actually, the whole slate of Dem POTUS candidates refused to do a FOX debate, right?
And he went on Bill O’Reilly.
I think McCain and Palin’s new strategy is to not talk to anyone until after the election.
Apparently McCain/Palin have a new campaign strategist:
Bill Lee
Jade is right, though. Larry King is no Bill O’Reilly. Even when he does answer a moderately “tough” question, there’s generally no follow up or pressing.
Geez, if Obama and Hillary went on O’Reilly then McCain should go on… the new Rachel Maddow Show? 😉
P.U.S.S.Y you ain’t got no alibi – you pussy, I said you pussy!
Ah, the delicate flower that is John McCain. I sure hope Putin doesn’t hurt his feelings.
The party is fractured. Powell, Hagle and others in a quandrey. Wall Street Betters are betting Sarah Palin will be gone by 11/6!